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Everything posted by android123

  1. I hope one day you realize how one-sided our relationship had become. How unfair it was to me. How everything always had to go your way, yet you couldn't recognize why I'd be frustrated and upset with you at times. And how hypocritical of you to say that communication problems were to blame, when you were the one who'd decide to walk away and ignore my attempts at cooperation. You truly are selfish. The red flags were there, but I was too young and inexperienced to notice them. I shouldn't have been with you, but we did get along well. We shared endearing moments. We shared years together. I can't deny that there was a connection there. You must still feel that there is still a connection if you found it so hard to leave me alone even after breaking up with me. You texted me, you missed me, you kissed me, you held my hands, you held me close, you tried to stay in my life... all this, yet you wanted out. I am so confused. I know it's over, but why do I feel you lingering when you're no longer within reach? We went through so much. Our relationship was complicated from the start, due to things that were out of our control, yet we powered through for such a long time. But you never did anything to change the circumstances that were hurting us. I tried to, but there was only so much you'd allow me to try. So I suffered. Had the obstacles changed, things would've been different, we would've been better. Now that's an impossibility. I am not happy that I have accepted that I don't want you in my life anymore, but I had to. I had to because I loved you, more than you loved me. I have no choice. I don't like that I have decided to no longer keep in touch with you, I know you still want me to give in to you, I know you want to make it seem like everything can still be ok, but it can't. Not anymore. You said things to me that turned out not to be true. You said things to me that still might be true, but it's still over. Your late attempts at contact with me I know are laced with guilt, but that's not good enough. It'll never be good enough until you apologize for your immaturity. I did not waste all that time with you for nothing. I loved you, I waited for you, I trusted your promises, I believed you when you told me it'd all be worth it in the end. In your fantasy world, it still might be, and I hope that it really is, because I deserve a loyal love, the type of love you couldn't give me.
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