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used and disguarded now this!!!

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As if its not bad enough to waste 2 yrs of your life believeing a loser who all the time was playing me and seeing his baby mother, for him them to dump me and block all contact (which still really hurts) I have now found out he gave me herpes, I cant stop crying he must have known, how could he? Who is going to want to come anywhere near me now, I may as well give up the fight cos Ive lost

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hey - Oh I'm so sorry! I don't have to tell you this guy did something very terrible. what a jerk! there are some good medications out there for controlling herpes outbreaks. I think you should talk to your doctor. Actually, herpes is so common, I'm sure you'll meet a future partner who either has it, or doesn't mind it. Don't worry!

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Do talk to your doctor/gynecologist more about the herpes. It is definitely not the end of the world, though will require more careful planning and talking with future partners about it before becoming intimate.


There are many drugs out there now that can prevent any future outbreaks or dramatically reduce them. Herpes is unfortunately not very rare these days so there is also chance you will meet someone with it as well.


While it is possible there are going to be partners who wish to end things when they find out, the guy who loves you for you, won't see it as much of an issue and will take precautions to prevent it being transmitted.


And your ex-guy is a jerk, you are better off without him.

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Hey Im sorry for sounding so dramatic,I guess im still in shock Ive just found out and Ive been reading up on it and found there is no cure and I really can't comprehend going into a relationship again after the hurt the guy put me through without having to explain this!! I mean are there people out there who seriously wouldnt consider this a problem, of course I personally wouldnt risk someone elses health I just dont know what to do cant even see the screen for tears......

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Keep your chin up. Its not the end of the day. One of my girl friends got it too. And she got it from her mother--nothing sexual. She kept it under control thru medication and is happily with a guy now.

So look on the bright side. Not the end of the world.

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in addition to your doctor, talk to your lawyer. depending on what state you're in, you might be able to sure him for giving you herpes. people have sued successfully.


the problem is he may not have assets to make a lawsuit worthwhile, but you should talk to a lawyer about it. a hungry lawyer, not a fat dumb and happy one making money off referrals.

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Im in England so I doubt very much that Id find someone to do that for me, Its hard enough to talk about sex over here let alone an STD, which is scary as Im afraid men will run a mile, guess the one that doesnt better hang onto........

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yeah, england doesn't have the litigation industry we have. so suing him probably isn't as viable an option.


tough situation. but there are more people out there than you might think who have herpes and there are support groups and there are therapies.


but it's still a harsh situation for you.

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my heart breaks for you. really it does. i can feel your pain & i would just like to inform you of some information. most cases (especially in men) show no signs at all of genital herpes & it going unnoticed leads it to spread to others. there is a great chance he had no idea he even had it. 30 million americans have herpes & 80-90% of them DIDNT EVEN KNOW THEY HAD IT!


Valtrax helpes suppress them & prevent outbreaks. condoms help protect people from contracting STDs but herpes are a little different. you can have genital herpes (also known as Herpes Type 2) on your legs & on the most northern part of the pelvic area (by pubic hair) where condoms can not cover. having this disease can change your life, but you are no wheres near alone....30 million americans live with this same virus.


keep the area really clean & dry & confide in a trusted friend &/or family member. the whole world doesnt have to know you have this unfortunate infection. but be grateful all herpes is; is an unfortunate, sometimes contagious annoyance & not a fatal disease.


keep posting. it helps to talk about whats bothering you.


take care of yourself & please try to keep your head up about everything. Doctors found ways to control & prevent The Flu (which can & has been a quite fatal virus) with medications & vaccinations, so who knows what treatments can be discovered through the science of medicine in the future for this specific condition.


have some faith, God wont let you down.



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