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Its been 1 week since my ex gf and I had an ugly argument, both of saying things out of anger. Ive seen her once since then and 3 days ago she moved her things out of the apartment while I was at work. It hurts so much because we spent almost 2 years together and now all of my life is gone. If you are interested in the bitter story you can look in getting back together.


I know now that she is not coming back, and its so hard to picture the rest of my life, its so hard to say the words "Crystal left me". I cry alot and dont know how to get better, i just miss my girl.

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Shes really not coming back, we have broke up a few other times but this time she moved all of her stuff out.

Last weekend we got in an argument over a phone number i found next to her purse and then she left with her sister and sd she would be back later that day or the next day. She came home on monday to change for work and then sd she didnt know if she was coming back. we cried and laughed a little, I walked her to work. kissed her but we only kissed on the cheek. i brought her lunch that day and saw her for 2 minutes, then she called me at night. a day went by and she called again each time i would talk to her she would seem more distant and said she wasnt sure if she wanted to come back.


I packed her things up so i could try and stop obsessing, you know prepare for the worst but hope for the best. she came home while i was at work and took them all, i called her and she said that "since i dint want her there anyway she took her stuff and left." i told her why i packed it and that i prayed every night she would come home, she said she wasnt. she was very bitter, did i puch her away for good by having her things packed, she hasnt called me yet.

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she also told me "she was numb" and things like "just because you love me doesnt mean we should be together". I guess i have to get over it but i am wondering if maybe she needs a little space to see what we had and to look past the bad times. she blames me too, i am hopeing she forgives me and sees that there were alot more good times than bad.

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