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Blacking Out.

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You probably need to take some time to think about why and how much you have been drinking. You don't want to be in a situation where you are drinking to excess, because then you must depend upon others to get you home, and you need to think more about yourself and your options in life, rather than letting your emotions be controlled by binge drinking.


If you are drinking so much that you can't remember what happened, then you may be having some alcohol poisoning, too. This in time will ruin your health.

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This would be the first time I have ever blacked out from drinking.


I drink alot latley because I don't really want to think about things. I use it as a way to surpress emotions.


I once was addicted to cocaine and I guess this is like an addiction. I don't know but blacking out reallly scared me.


I didn't get in any fights with anyone or have sex with anyone but I guess I did some pretty stupid things.

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Hmmm... you know, you may have a problem with your drinking.


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Check out this website.


I know that life can get rough sometimes, but alcohol isn't the way to deal with your problems. I'm here if you'd ever like to PM me. Take care.

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We all have things about ourself that we don't like and would like to get rid of, the problem with drinking too much, or doing anything else that avoids dealing with the problem, is that it is basically bad and unhealthy.


We all need to take advantage of the time that we have on earth and live for the good of ourselves and others. Drinking or doing anything else that makes us feel like we are having a great time (when we are not), is really a waist of time.


You need to do something more productive. Taking drugs is only an escape from reality, and it makes reality shabby in comparison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emma...Please try to be more careful. I hope all is well... Drinking isnt the way to go. it can draw you deeper and deeper into drinking. Blacking out is def not good. Many things could happen. The man above sure loves you if you didn't do anything to Upsetting when you blacked out. But next time, you might not be as lucky as the first. I hope you choose to not drink. And if you do drink. Know your limit!! I cant control what you do and make your choices for you. Just please don't get in a car with a drunkin driver.


If you blacked out and nothing to bad happened then your really lucky! My advice to you is to "KEEP A LOW PROFILE" for a little bit atleast. Try to stay away from partys. So much dangerous stuff happens at partys. I lost a friend because of a party and they decided to play russian roulette. Its where you take your chances of shooting yourself or not. Depending all on the bullet. I think it's the dumbest game ever!


I hope this is a growing experience. Drinking can ruin your life. And it can take anothers life with yours if your not careful. I know im not ur parent and I know im really acting like i am, but i just really worry about these kind of things. another friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver.2 innocent people harmed because of partys/drinking/drugs/Ect...Stay away from it please


I dont want to see you on the 9:00 news

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I concour with what was said. If you drink until you black out here is what has happened: alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, if you drink so much that it overwhelms you to blacking out, it means that your body is saying "WHOA! I can't keep up with you! I can't metabolize all this!" that's why you black out, by the time you black out, your respritory system could be suffering too.

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Drinking is never a way to solve problems or deal with your issues. Drinking will only make things worse. If you got to the point where you blacked out, that's a clear sign that you were drinking way too much and you need to step back and ask why you did that. A lot of stupid and dangerous things are done by people when they drink. Plus it doesn't solve anything, your problems are still there in the morning and know you just feel sick on top of it. Stay away from alcohol, it's no good.

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