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Hi everyone,


Hope someone can help me because I have been feeling really awful. I have know this guy for nearly two years, we started out as friends but we started hanging out together and he actually introduced me to all his friends and family but we never confessed our feelings to each other. Then I had to move overseas due to family issues but we still keep in contact via email. After a year, he invited me to his graduation ceremony and i flew back specially for it. He confessed that he has liked me for a long time and is very attracted to me and asked if I would sleep with him. He actually wanted to ask me a long time ago but didnt have the courage to. We ended up losing our virginity to each other. At the end of my trip, i rang him up right before i boarded the plane and asked him if he was serious about me because i would do all i can to move back and he totally freaked out, saying that he's starting a new life with a new career and there's no place for me. His reaction really hurt and disappointed me because i thought there was something there. I do feel like he treated me like a sex toy and wanted to discard me after using me. Right now, i am thinking about calling him up to clear things up, would that be a right move? Because I want to move on if he's not serious.


Question for the guys ---> Is it possible to like a girl whom you enjoyed her company to want to sleep with her but not have a relationship?

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