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Ok, I don't want people to think that I am drawing direct comparison (even though I kinda am), but I just can't take my girlfriend.



UGh! This is tremendous frustration. She does everything last minute and get's good grades. She is unhappy 1 minute the next she is so incredibly happy. Everything seems to go so well for her! She wins 1st place in everything! She get's compliments left and right! She gets straight A's in all her classes and she does have the work! and she doesn't do crap! When I am put in her situations I have to give it a %100 or nothing goes well! I don't win anything! I don't get any compliments!



I am sorry I am just incredibly frustrated with this! and it just makes me steam!!!!!!

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u sound really jellous of your gf. Not good! With the being happy one minute then unhappy the next. Ya...thats normal. Lots of people are like that.


Maybe you can talk to her. but that might not even be a good idea. You just sound really jellous. Sounds to me like you think she has life easy while you have to fight for everythig.

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It is frustrating when other people take for granted things that you have to work hard for but surely if you care about your girlfriend then you should be pleased for her? I dont see how you can make these feelings stop and I dont see what telling her about it would achieve, she can't do anything to change the situation, it has to something which you learn to deal with yourself. However, I think if you had strong feelings for her then you would be proud of her and be glad she does well so maybe you are in a relationship with the wrong person if it makes you feel this way.

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Short but simple. sounds as if your girlfriend has established her reputation with being a winner, and reliable. She doesnt have to earn it , she proved it. Repuation is everything when your in school..to your teachers, peers etc. I know its frustrating that it seems you have to work harder, thats because you do. Establish yourself as well, but at the same time. compliment her situation for what its worth. If she is that reliable, and responsible..she probably makes a pretty good girlfriend? Think about it. Good luck.

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i am proud of her, and respect her. I have to get over this, i am just having a bad day. I apologize for any inconvinience. Everyone is different and is special in their own way. That is what she has and that is who she is. I have to accept that. Just like she accepts me. Thank you

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No problem. You should not feel as if you have bothered anyone or wasted anyones time. Everyone replied cause they thought they had a piece of advice that could benifit you. And naturally, in an emotional situation..its easer for others to see the bigger picture than you . Completely normal. If we didnt stop and give ourselves reality checks everyonce in while...we wouldnt realize how special our priorities were worth to us Good luck.

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Dude, you need to stop comparing yourself to your girl and look at your own performance. If you give it 100%, who cares what anyone else is doing? Everybody has a different level of natural skill at different tasks. There are probably a ton of other things that you're naturally better at, but cut it out man, This has to do with you only and not your girlfriend.

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I know exactly how you feel. Like you hear them talking in the other room, and everything seems fine, then they act like they don't care. It makes me want to run, and never stop runnning.


The best deal is to concentrate on what you personally do well. Try to support her, but not to compete with her.


When people compliment her, take it like they are also complimenting you and your efforts in supporting her and her choices.


If she is really that smooth and effortless, then she deserves what she gets. That is how our country works.


Suck it up and get over it as quick as you can. Is that too rude?


Chuck those things that you don't like up to "experience" and dwell on the things that you do like...maybe that is more like it.

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Thank you everyone. Every single one of you have gone down in my list of people that I appreciate. Whether you were aggressive or nice, I still appreciate it.


I have come to this forum many times and have always recevied tremendous amoutn of support and advice time and time again. Thank you very much to all of you.

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