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She does not show me anything


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So my gf and I are in our early 40s she has had a full hysterectomy and is now in full on menapaus. We love together and we love each other. I work hard and provide my share and am always doing what I can to help her fam and mine..." Our for the most part grown kids"... I show her daily my love and commitment to us. I am a romantic I'll admit but she just shows nothing in return. Now I know the whole symptoms with menapaus and she also is manic anxiety also. We have been together two n half years and we split for two months in the middle. When we first met and when we got back together Everything was awesome. All was felt equally from both sides. After a couple months though she would fall into the whole not interested stage again. She says she is into me and loves me and wants to be with me forever but then a day later says she's not happy. Then a week later all is good. Frankly my issue is I don't know if it's her anxiety and menapaus or if she is cheating on me or if she is just a mess. When we get into an argument it's lil petty stuff. We don't yell and scream....but when she gets upset she gets hostile lol with her words and then shuts down. And gives nothing. Now if a couple hours goes by and I come home and act normal....things seem to be ok again. Yet there is not intimacy and touching etc..etc... She will do stuff very rarely and so when she does it's like wow! Thanks babe. I love her to pieces and would do anything for her and she knows it. I just don't know why she is so cold in the relationship.

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To give you advice, it would be better to know some of her background. Was she ever the type of woman you want? Someone who is lovey-dovey and so on? Is she divorced? Did someone betray her? What's going on in her family? How did you guys meet? Is she bipolar? Why did you break up for two months? Why did she have the hysterectomy? It may be more than just menopause.

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