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Oh, man...did I EVER mess up. I was doing no contact with the ex, she asked to meet with me, and we started spending time together again (meanwhile, she is still with the other guy). We actually went on a couple of dates, she was affectionate with me, kissing, all that all over again. I thought maybe this time she was going to choose to come back to me. THEN the next time I call her, she tells me how the next day (after spending time with me) she had such a great time with the new guy and how things are better than ever with him! wtf! AND she came right out and told me that I'm such a boost for her ego (geez, thanks) THEN she told me how she almost got into a bar fight with two people last weekend when she got wasted, one of whom was a woman she has never even met before. She was verbally abusive to this poor woman! Apparently the new guy thought this was all a laugh riot! (rolling my eyes) I could hardly believe my ears! I was in shock when I got off the phone. I actually got sick to my stomach because I just can't take this sh*t anymore! Over the last couple of days, I've realized that I can NOT keep doing this to myself! I clearly cannot be 'just friends' with this woman, and I know for sure that I am indeed being played. This woman is TOXIC for me, and I have to cut ties! I keep asking myself how I got into this mess in the first place...she was never like this before though. She was giving, sweet, caring, open...it is almost as if she is jeckyl and hyde...or maybe she changes who she is depending on who she is with. Regardless, I don't want any part of this anymore. I've got to take care of me now! I have to!


I HAVE to stay strong this time, and I HAVE to move on...for my own sake!

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Sorry to hear you had to be in a situation like that!!


But DEFINITELY just get this woman out of your life. Cut all contact with her, let her see that she is not worth your time. You deserve someone much better than this!


I was in a situation very very similar to this, the only difference being that he was not my boyfriend. We never reached that point because I realized like you that he was just playing me to boost his ego with others. I ended up hating this guy and cut all contact with him. The first few months was hard, but after that its been smooth sailing! Absolutely no thoughts or feelings about him ever.


My advice: Go out, meet a new woman, forget her!

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Thanks kiwi. I have to cut all contact for sure. I need to really let this go, and heal now. The last two days I've been avoiding places where I might run into her, so that I stay firm with my decision. I'm screening my calls too. I feel bad because I know she wants to stay friends, but this isn't healthy for me.

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