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my wife thinks i'm cheating but i'm not

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my wife had accused me of having extra-marital relationships several times in the past three years, and every time she finds out she is wrong, i don't even get an apology. This last time she says she has proof, that she called the cell phone company and they told her i have been direct connecting other people, and that i have had another line put on my phone. i called the provider to find out there is no way for them to tell who was called, but that the area they were in shows up, and that there was no record of a second line. I knew this allready, but she wouldn't speak to the rep. She says she is not in love with me, but still loves me. She says i kiss different and that i learned it from someone else. It's never ending. But the undeniable truth is that i never have even had the slightest notion to have someone else.


I have had a life full of heartache, and have had reason to believe i deserved my punishment, but this is un called for.


My wife is my best friend, she is the most beautiful person i have ever known, inside and out. It's this insane jealousy that is between us and i dont know what to do.


We have a beautiful life and home, the only problem we have are these constant accusations. she is extremely upset, and that hurts me most of all. what can i do to kill the snakes, cause they're killing me.

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She says she is not in love with me, but still loves me


Of all the things you said in your post, this struck me the most. What does that mean? Usually that is something that someone says when they are breaking up with their bf or gf. What's her deal? I would be concerned if my partner said this to me because it sounds like she does not have the feelings required to be in a marriage. But, I could be wrong. Have you asked her what she means by this?

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Hello there, did you ever do anything in the past that might lead her to distrust you? Is your wife working? Sometimes people's minds can wander around if they have too much free time. I am not a wife and I am still single. But from what I have read from books, live-at-hime wife normally watches the clock clicking and expects you to be home at exact time. Did you ever get home late without solid reasons? Did you ever walk out the room to talk to on the phone while she was in the room with you? Ultimately, she knows why she has some suspicions on you. If one of these is not an issue for your case, then may be a heart-to-heart talk will certian give you the answer. I hope this helps.

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She is insecure, and i lied to her one time in the beginning of our relationship, and have never lived it down.


She has a job and is the main breadwinner in the family, i have a new business that is not yet flying, and am my own boss. I make my own hours and of course she is suspicious of that too.


She is in love with me, and i can't understand why she would say she isn't. I just want to understand how any rationaly thinking woman can so blatently accuse someone without one single bit of proof, and maybe then i can figure out how to fix it.

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Has she been cheated on before?


It might just mean that she loves you so much that she constantly thinks of the possibility of losing you to someone else. Let's face it, being cheated on is one of the worst things that could happen in a relationship.


I am in a happy relationship and the thought of being cheated on comes into my mind at times, and when I start thinking about if he might be capable of it, I start feeling overly suspicious of things he does. I go through these phases of insecurity sometimes. Hormones maybe I don't know. Maybe that's what's going on with your wife. I mean, I actually don't go as far as accusing him straight out, but in my mind I am wondering and feeling scared.


Good luck!! If she truly loves you, and you her, it will work out!!!

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