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Sex question...how hard should his penis be?


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Ok, that's a stupid title, but I didn't know how to phrase it.


Basically, I've had sex with someone new for the first time, and it was great, we're compatible and there's a lot of chemistry. He seemed incredibly turned out and was erect for most of the afternoon we spent together, but I just felt like he was never THAT hard. Is that kind of normal? It's just not something I've experienced before, and it was a bit strange. The sex was still good, but he didn't feel as hard as a man would usually... however, I get the impression it's normal for him.


I don't think I care that much, although it did makes things a bit more difficult. Mostly I'm just curious and don't really want to talk to my male friends about it right now!

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Basically, I've had sex with someone new for the first time, and it was great... The sex was still good, but he didn't feel as hard as a man would usually... however, I get the impression it's normal for him.
Well, if the sex was great and the condom stayed on, I'd venture to guess he was "hard enough."


I mean never having grasped the guy's penis, I couldn't give you some random value on the stiffy scale for how hard he was. I would say that if it was enjoyable, spare yourself the needless overthinking and just enjoy yourself.

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Haha, stiffy scale made me laugh too.


I think it's just that...it made it a bit difficult to get it in? That's my only sort of concern. And it's not really about him. The sex was good mostly cos of our chemistry and everything else. But the actual penetration part was a little fumbley and awkward.


Oh this is weird to talk about. But yeah, it's just new to me. Maybe part of me is thinking "is something wrong, is it me?" But that's probably stupid.


Casual sex is a new territory for me!

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"....and was erect for most of the afternoon we spent together,..."


Heavens! The scientific world will be falling over itself to interview him!!!


Tell me about it! I found it a bit overwhelming. He can keep going for a reeeally long time without needing to finish, too. So all of this is new to me...he seems to be quite a specimen. Jesus, I got worn out before he did.

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Haha, stiffy scale made me laugh too.


I think it's just that...it made it a bit difficult to get it in? That's my only sort of concern. And it's not really about him. The sex was good mostly cos of our chemistry and everything else. But the actual penetration part was a little fumbley and awkward.


Oh this is weird to talk about. But yeah, it's just new to me. Maybe part of me is thinking "is something wrong, is it me?" But that's probably stupid.


Casual sex is a new territory for me!

How old is he?

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Hahaha I'm crying here. Oh my. Yes, this thread is much more fun from my bloody pain and misery of a couple weeks back.


Yeah..I don't know. He's got stamina. After a while I was kinda like...can you please cum now?


It was great but a bit odd, overall. There's my review.

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