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It's been 5 weeks I am still suffering

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Ten years together he just came home and said he's leaving I thought we were fine. He said he wanted to be alone. And there was nobody else. After he went I looked on line at his phone account and loads to the same number on the day he left and every day after, then his bank statement came which I. Opened and there it is restaurants and cinema visits. I found out who the number belongs to and it's a woman from work I am totally devastated that he always promised if he ever felt he liked someone else he would tell me and we would try and see what was wrong. He didn't even try to make us work he just went. I'm all alone and so lonely I've lost a lot of weight I can't stop my thoughts of him. I phoned him he denied it until I told him her name and then he said he never cheated he was going to leave anyway. He says he doesn't love me and she is really nice that hurts me so much. He said he'd been unhappy for a while and I'm so upset he didn't tell me and we could of started going out because we had got stuck in doing nothing.my mind is constantly thinking about him still. How much longer do I have to feel like this the world is empty.

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Sorry for what you are going through. Breakups are hard, especially ones from 10 year relationships.


Unfortunately, the pain is going to be around for a while as it doesn't just go away. But, at some point you are going to decide that you are fed up feeling like this and you are going to pick yourself back up and get on with your life. Only you can do this for yourself. We can coax you in the right direction, as I am doing, but ultimately the decision to stop feeling so bad about this has to come from you.


It will pass enventually, but you are in mourning and a lot of denial that it is over. Once you pass this stage, the healing can begin and you will start feeling better about yourself and the situation. Just hang in there and keep talking to us.

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Thankyou it was a bad day yesterday I phoned him and started screaming at him that he had lied and destroyed me he just kept saying sorry but get over it, he just doesn't care at all. I'm left with all,the memories here I've cleared a lot away but not finished I need to start on that. I sent him a nasty email too ! now he thinks I'm quite mad lol. I know I will feel better in time it's just lonely I'm going to tell myself it's not him I miss but just being in a relationship I have a few single friends who love being single I can do what I want when I want. At the moment I don't want to. I'm sad

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