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Age Difference!


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Please, Reynolds!


The dust has settled. His mother, and his neurotic relationship with her, have won the day.


Why do you think, and this is far more important, that you don't deserve a better and healthier relationship than this now past one?


Please read this:


"Many of these men, referred to as Puers from now on, had fathers who were partially or totally absent. Others had fathers who were weak and passive, which left the upbringing to the mother. All Puers have an inappropriately strong tie to the mother, positive or negative. If there is no essential differentiation from the mother, there is no masculinity. A sense of masculinity has to be won by struggle; it is not a birthright! This is done by taking a stand, overcoming inertia, deciding and acting more, reading and knowing more, by gaining muscle and gaining competence in the world of men "


That's from an article by a Dr. Peter Milhado.


Men Who Never Grow Up – The ‘Puer Aeturnus Complex’


Anyhow, her racism in effect has little to do with the whole situation.


Can you not see how psychologically unhealthy this man is? Would you not PREFER a healthy relationship with a healthy individual who is not neurotically tied to his mother.


That is the only important question OP.

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His father wanted me to take care of his son.


I'm about your age (and race) and I'm in a relationship with a much younger man. I'm old enough to be his mother but just the thought skeeves me out. He's my man; my lover; my heart.


Its been five weeks since you heard from him. It's time to let go. He's a big boy. If he wanted to call you or be with you, he wouldn't let his mother stop him. It's odd that he still lives with his mother and makes me wonder if that's not what he was looking for in the first place....a mother figure. We are not old and still have much living to do. Do you really wanna be a "mother figure" to your man? That never works out.


Take some time for yourself, eat well and work out, stay away from fortune tellers. Then once you have your feet under you, open yourself up to the possibility of being friends with someone new. Even if your ex calls you, send him to voicemail and delete it.

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