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I don't know why I just can't let him go

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Hey guys, so it's been a while since I've posted here because I just really needed a moment to myself. I love this website, but I felt like I was depending on it too much to heal from my break up. Anyways during my healing process my ex contacted me after not speaking for about a month saying he was sorry via text message and when I didn't respond he called to apologize, during the phone call he asked me out to dinner and I agreed. The dinner started of rocky because I was still upset at him something he had done the month prior, but it ended well. After the date he would text me everyday and then it kinda stopped. The other day I ran into him at the gym and he asked me to go get some food with him and I went, i asked him what he wanted from me because I felt like he was being hot and cold with me and he stated that he was still in love with me, but he is still bothered about my past so he wanted to take time to figure this out. During this dinner he asked me to go to a concert with him next month and I told him that I'm not sure if we would even still be speaking then and he said we would make it happen. The next day which was 2 days ago, he texted me saying that he noticed that my car was dirty and he wanted to see if he can get it washed during my lunch hour and I said yes, he came to my Job to pick my car up and took me to lunch after. I thought we were semi on the right track, but I haven't heard from him since 2 days ago, no text message or calls or anything. I haven't reached out to him, because I know what I want and I don't want to seem desperate. This has been killing me because I'm so used to communicating who is or wants to be with me almost everyday . A part of me wants to just actually let him go because I cannot afford to get heart broken again especially by the same person. Another part of me wants to wait and see what happens in the next week. What should I do, an I overthinking this situation or should I let this man go?

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I agree. I kept contacting my ex just asking how his day was. I figured that was harmless. When I didn't hear anything back I would be so upset and text again. Then he would text something brief. I didn't get the "hint". I have now & haven't texted him 10 days. I am still hurting and moving on. So save yourself some continued heartache and let him go.

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I just don't understand why initiate contact with me just to play with me. I am now just considering going to another gym permanently to prevent these random run-ins. I deleted his number from my phone again to prevent myself from saying anything again

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It's to pat his ego. Don't accept breadcrumbs. It's either he's in it for the long haul; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the real ugly, or he needs to get off the potty! Don't let any man feel because he's with you that you should less of a person because of your past. A man who really loves you, loves you warts and all. I hate how some men love to pigeon-hole you into this is how a person should be. The right one for you will just love you for who you are.


Unless you killed a bunch of people, no need to apologize for who you are.

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Unfortunately that's how some guys are. They give you just enough to keep you hanging on & second guessing yourself. I asked straight out if you want to talk anymore. He said yes but still was distant. Then I asked why distant & he tells me I am overthinking. Just get off the merry-go-round.

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It's to pat his ego. Don't accept breadcrumbs. It's either he's in it for the long haul; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the real ugly, or he needs to get off the potty! Don't let any man feel because he's with you that you should less of a person because of your past. A man who really loves you, loves you warts and all. I hate how some men love to pigeon-hole you into this is how a person should be. The right one for you will just love you for who you are.


Unless you killed a bunch of people, no need to apologize for who you are.


Thank you, I'm so sure he will call me one of these days and if I decide to respond, I will let him know that he needs to let me go completely if he's going to continue acting this way

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Thank you, I'm so sure he will call me one of these days and if I decide to respond, I will let him know that he needs to let me go completely if he's going to continue acting this way


It must be hard for you to go through the pain, I really do understand. Be firm and strong and continue NC. Because I know I will continue my NC too.

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