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My Girlfriends Crazy Family(mainly mom)


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So recently I posted about some of the problems my girlfriend and I were having. The good news is we have been doing great and had our one year anniversary yesterday. The bad news is her mom ruined it. So before this sounds bad read everything. For our one year we went on a date to eat and go see a movie. At some point during the movie we left to go have sex. My girlfriend said we had to be careful because her dad could drive around trying to find us. Turns out as we went down the road it was her mom who intentionally creeped on us. We made up a lie and everything. My girlfriend turned off her phone because her dad has find my iPhone on it. So she got in trouble over that. My girlfriend has to play sick and when we got there her mom walked in the bathroom with her and apparently was mad and accused her of lying. Her parents said they would find out the truth so I don't know if they will say anything to me today or not.


Here's where it gets hypocritical and weird. My girlfriend's mom is a nut. She has encouraged us to have sex by giving us alone time and telling us to go in a room alone, talking about sexy around us(weird as hell), one time she told me to go change with her daughter ( even weirder), and last night tried to get my girlfriend to tell her that we were going to have sex. What's even worse is she tries to black mail both of her daughters by letting them do sexual stuff then threatening to tell the dad. What pisses me off is this hypocrisy and my girlfriends mom lies to her husband about money and other things as well.


One last point. My girlfriends sister used to have a boyfriend for about two months that no body like because he was abusive and they argued all the time. Well her dad still let her go to his house and not one time did her mom or dad try and go see if they went somewhere else to try to have sex or anything, but they tell me I'm the favorite how ironic. My girlfriend was sad and crying yesterday saying I should break up with her and not have to deal with this. Everyone that she has dated broke up with her because of her mom. I just happen to be the one who stayed around the longest. I feel like a slave with a loved one(my girlfriend) that I don't want to leave where I love her so much, but her crazy mom makes it hard to want to stay. I'm going to college this year and my girlfriend is still in high school. What do I do? Thanks!

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Hi, I would like to start off by saying I am going through just about the same thing as you, except it's my boyfriend's mother. He will be 18 this week and she treats him as if he is 12. He can't go out to see me, and she only keeps him around the house so he can do chores for her. We have been dating for about 9 months now and I love him more than anything but his family does make it hard to stay. My advice to you is that if you really love your girlfriend, no matter how hard her mother can be to deal with, stay with her. It isn't her fault that her mother is that way, and you said all of her past boyfriends have left because of her family. Dont be like her exes, be the one that stays if you really love her Believe me, I know what youre going through.

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She's in high school and lives with her parents. They pay everything for her so she has to abide by their rules. It's not really your place to say what's wrong or right. They're her parents and are doing what they feel is right. You're both kids, not adults. When you pay for your own place and food you can do whatever you want. Until then her parents set the rules for her.

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Hi, I would like to start off by saying I am going through just about the same thing as you, except it's my boyfriend's mother. He will be 18 this week and she treats him as if he is 12. He can't go out to see me, and she only keeps him around the house so he can do chores for her. We have been dating for about 9 months now and I love him more than anything but his family does make it hard to stay. My advice to you is that if you really love your girlfriend, no matter how hard her mother can be to deal with, stay with her. It isn't her fault that her mother is that way, and you said all of her past boyfriends have left because of her family. Dont be like her exes, be the one that stays if you really love her Believe me, I know what youre going through.


Thank you! You're right that's what I should do and I want to stay with her. I appreciate the response.

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