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at what age do most ppl buy one?

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I think you could probably get one. I am not sure what age people on average buy them, I guess it varies, some wait years and years until they are comfortable enough too!


As your first toy I would recommend a small vibrator, make sure it is softer (not hard plastic) and you feel comfortable using it (so look at the size/shape - clitoral or a wand/dildo type, etc). If you go to a shop they are usually quite informative about what may be appropriate for a first timer! You could always upgrade later on if you wanted more

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I dont think its all that important when people buy sex toys. Its more an experience thing. If you believe it to be appropriate to buy a sex toy for yourself then do it. However realize there are some states here in the United States, where selling sex toys is actually illegal, which is ridiculous and I believe one of them is Georgia.


P.S. If you want to have a good time, go to a website that sells sex toys and read the comments from the people that buy them.

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The internet has fantastic information and reviews. My best advice would be to buy a combination package your first time out...in other words, buy a couple of the most expensive and appealing, along with a few el-cheapos and see what you like best!!


You are overdue for a sex toy or 2...happy shopping!

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Sexual stimulation is a great way to get rid of pent up energy. Don't discourage people from doing with their bodies what they wish.


It is more healthy to take responsibility for your feelings of desire, than to allow nature to take its course in life. She may not have a partner, or she may be separated from him, or she may have more sex drive than he can really handle right now.


There are plenty of good reasons to self-stimulate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

lol im nearly 17, and i wud never go out and buy a sex toy, but 3 of my guy mates bought me a vibrator for christmas because they thort it would be funny. it stayed in my drawer for a few months then i thort i may as well give it a go. hahaha it was the best present ever!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Somehow dating a woman with a sex toy is comparable to dating a guy with a porno collection. A vibrator or dildo being, to me, about the same level as a couple of magazines or videos. On the other hand, a whole closet full of magazines, books, videos and DVDs is probably equivalent to a whole cupboard full of rubber, latex and plastic appliances. Both of the latter cases probably indicate someone who probably doesn't need a partner.

A little is fine. I have a couple of old Taija Rae videos that probably take up the same space in my life that a woman of my age's favorite toy takes up in hers. They don't interfere with relationships. They're just old friends...

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