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A strange situation


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Hey users/viewers of enotalone! I'm a 17 year old guy who used to talk to this girl, which soon lead to us hanging out. After that though, I had surgery and I didn't really want to deal with a relationship, and she found a boyfriend. Additionally, my friend's girlfriend is best friends with the girl. She's told my friend and I that the girl complains about her boyfriend often, saying he doesn't treat her very well. The girl almost considered talking to me again without me saying anything to her, but she decided that wasn't "loyal." Recently though, she tried to visit me at the store that I worked at to see me, but I wasn't there. I'd like to know what you guys think I should do to try and get her to end her bad relationship even though she's seemingly very loyal. Thanks!

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You shouldn't do anything to try and get her to leave her boyfriend. If she complains about him to you, you can advise her to leave him if she's that unhappy but only if she complains to you.


In the meantime, leave her alone because she is already in a relationship. How would you like it if some guy was trying to talk your girlfriend into getting rid of you?

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