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Getting back with her


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Okay so this is what happened. My ex and I went on such a good date. The love was rekindled. We had so much fun etc. But she then admitted to me she had been having sex with another guy since we ended. We both lost our virginity to each other so this was hard for me to deal with and I was so hurt. I messaged him telling him her and I were exculsive again and don't try to contact her again. She got so angry and since I did that she's become more distant. She says she still likes me, wants to take things slow. She blue ticks my what's apps though. But In person she's really nice. I was thinking of going no contact for a few days? I'm heading away for the week. I just need to get her to come round again? We were in a good place and still are but just I feel I need some advice on how to move us forward.

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You both must be young. You lost your virginity to her and I hope that you have sex with a dozen more women before you even think about settling down into a relationship.


You had no right to contact her current fling to tell him that you had taken possession of her again as her relationship with him is no business of yours. If you can't have casual sex with your ex, do you have a control issue?


How do you win her back? She was never yours in the first place. Just cherish that you did lose your virginity to a girl you like(d) and that is all there was to it.


She has now set clear boundaries. I'm not sure your interference in her life warrants any further communications from her.

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During your time apart, were you not sleeping with other girls in the hope of this one coming back? If so, it might be difficult for you to get over this.


You get to a stage where these things matter less, sex is a normal part of life like eating and sleeping really. But I'm not going to tell you that you must be thinking this way right now, because it takes time to get there.

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From a couple days ago:


After almost four months of begging and telling the girl of my dreams how much I loved her. Tonight we went on a date, she told me she wanted to be with me, we are exclusive again and going on holidays this summer. I never gave up on this girl. I felt something real for her. I've no idea why she came back. I cheated on her multiple times and treated her badly. I had some terrible days. Sleepless nights, but I never gave up hope. Never give up on someone you truly love. Today is the greatest day of my life. I will keep you all posted


I honestly don't know what to say. You did this while you were together and are now upset that she tried someone else out after you broke up? Did you actually get back together or just go on a date? I honestly don't see this relationship working out. You might want to move on from this and start fresh elsewhere. And not cheat or treat your next lady badly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, she said were exclusive and going to get back together. Like she ended things with the other guy. We have been on like 4 dates in a week. I dunno. I think it could. She's just making no effort.


I would say that 4 dates in a week, with someone who cheated repeatedly on her and treated her badly, is making a lot of effort. Just what do you expect exactly?

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