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Hey... I'm really worried about my friend... um, ex.


He brought up in a conversation that his bloodtests had came back, and I was like what blood test? He was like, 'Oh, nevermind I shouldn't of brought it up.' oh just to tell you this is all online.


So that got me worried. Then he said just recently when we where having a conversation, sorta an argument, 'It doesn't matter, I only have six months anyway.' I was like six months til what? And he avoided the matter.


So today he was hinting in a IM conversation that something was eating him. And he really meant, something was eating him inside for real.


And we've just had this big fight, becasue he wouln't tell me whats wrong. So I kept at it trying to get it out of him, but that didn't work.

I'm going insane trying to figure out what he might possibly have.


Anyone have ANY idea of what it might be? I'm so worried, I can't think straight.


I need some one to tell me how I can get it out of him, I know he doesn't WANT to tell me. But I need to know... *sigh*

Thanks in advance for your help.



**It's Hard To Say**

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Okay, the first question is....


Are you worried because you have had sexual relations with this person? If so, by law, if they have contracted the HIV virus, they have to inform prior and present lovers. If the person refuses, I would contact the Dept of Infectious Diseases and then get a blood test myself.


If you're worried for the safety of your friend / ex, well, the only thing you can do is be there for him and let him know that you care no matter what. People have a tendency of feeling isolated and alone.


Either way, you really cannot FORCE you friend to tell you anything if they choose not too.

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They best way you can help him is by telling him that you really wish he would confide in you so that you can help him with everything that you can, however you respect his wishes, will abide by them and stand by him to help him in whatever way he will allow.


That's the best that you can do. You can't force him to tell you something that he is not quite ready to talk about. Look at it this way....If your parents badger you and badger you to tell them something that you are emotionally hurting over, do you want to tell them? Don't you get angry and frustrated at them? I know I used to. But if they set back and were calm and let me know that they are there for me whatever I chose to do, I felt calm myself and would eventually come to tell them what my issues were.


Sometimes just being a friend is all you can do.

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Well, I doubt that it would be HIV/AIDS, because if he really only has 6 months to live, he would look really really bad right now (very slim, purple blotches AKA Kaposi's Sarcoma, possibly pnemonia). But, I'm not a doctor, I'm a scientist, so I could be way off.


He may have leukemia or lymphoma, you know, basically cancers of the blood.


I agree with Codaaurora, you can't really do much, except offer to lend an ear and listen to what he has to say and support him. But, if he doesn't want to talk, then there's really nothing you can do.


good luck - I hope that your friend is fine.

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Could be all of the above.


It could also be that he is being deliberately vague in an effort to gain your sympathy.


Who broke up with who?


Do you think he wants to get back with you?


There may be something seriously wrong with him - or it may well be some sort of ploy. I am always a little suspicious when people drop heavy hints like this and then refuse to clarify. I may well be wrong but it is a possibility you should be aware of

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