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Hey, in about a month or so I have my final exams and normally I would have started studying about this time; but this year I'm finding it really hard to get motivated. This is my final year at school and next year I'm going to university. I only need to pass 1 exam out of 4 to get in, because I done well at my exams last year. I sat down to study yesterday and I had my notes in front of me but I just couldn't do it, I don't know what's wrong with me I've never been like this before. I think it might be because these exams don't really matter to me once I get into university. I don't really care that much about failing 3 out of 4 exams, I would be slightly disappointed but once I have started university it would be forgotten.


My problem is I feel like I might let my parents, relatives and teachers down by not giving 100%. My maths teacher keeps going on about how I'm going to get an A but at this rate I'm not even going to pass and I really don't want to disappoint him. This is the first year I've felt any kind of pressure about passing exams to please other people, last year I just tried to do my best for me, not anybody else. But this year I don't care that much and I need some motivation!


Somebody help please!




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You may have already gotten into University... but don't you think you'd feel much better that you got there by giving it your all... all the way through? Think about it... yes these exams don't really matter but you sound like the kind of person I am... and even though you don't feel that it matters it will when you get it back. If you get it back and it's a fail... you'll feel disappointed. Sure you can brush it off but you won't feel as good about it. BUT if you study and give ur 100%, and go out with a "bang" as it were you'll feel so much better about it. You'll arrive on campus next year, saying I worked my *butt* off and i deserve this. Which you do already, but giving your all, and graduating at your best will feel so much better.

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Babe you just gotta buckle down. Start a routine of some sourt. try to focus less on impressing your teachers and parents and other relatives and more on impressing yourself.


You know that you can do it. You even said that you sat yourself down and tryed studying. You have the shivers about messing up. We are all human. Think of what happiness you can do for YOURSELF. Nobody else but you. Focus on yourself and try not to worry about what others are going to think.


I think ur main delima is just that you feel like its a waste of time. Theres always room for improvement. A little self dicipline never hurt anyone. Your confidence may be at a all time low, but cheer up. I believe that you will get through this in one piece with a smile from cheek to cheek.


Feel free to pm me if ude like. I'd like to hear what happeneds and how you do!


keep your head up genious and You know you can do anything you put your all into.


Good luck hun

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Woohoo Amen!


I've been where you are, I am reaching the near end of my semester in Nursing school and though these exams coming up count as much if not more than the earlier ones, I am so fried I am having such a hard time getting motivated!


Set some time aside for relaxing, something short like a cup of coffee with a friend or a 1/2 hour TV show. Tell yourself when it is over you are going to study. Psych yourself up for it.


When the designated study time rolls around, go in your room. Turn off the TV, radio, shut off your cell phone.



Get comfortable at your desk or on the floor (don't get on the bed, you might fall asleep!) and spread your books and notes around you.


Then............study. Every time you get distracted, tell yourself how important it is to follow through and there are only 4 more tests of your high school career left to go.


Try to stay focused.


I know you can do it!

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You man, I've been right where you are twice! It's the worst. We call it senioritis over here in the US. I would do a change of scenery. Go to a different library, no distractions, and sit down and read. You will really have to force yourself at the beginning, until you get into the information then your interest will carry you the rest of the way.


And never do any of this to please your parents. Your going to college and it's time to grow up and take responsibility for yourself. You're going to school so you can put food on the table one day for yourself only. It has nothing to do with them anymore.

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