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Is it considered jealousy if...


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on social media you find your SO following random females (if you're heterosexual and you're SO is a man) that are models or just random females you know that your SO finds attractive? (or vice versa as a male and you see your female SO following male models and such)

Is this considered being jealous?

Does it bother you?

What's your take on it?

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Is this considered being jealous? Yes.

Does it bother you? No.

What's your take on it? Don't really care. Wouldn't be paying enough attention to my partner's social media to notice.


It's not something I do myself, but it's pretty easy to see how, with regard to subscription eye candy, adding models to social media could be the technological successor of what dudes used to pick up magazines for.


Are we talking the same SO roommate who's not actually your SO or new guy?

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Are you still roommates who he 'doesn't want anything serious with', but tried sleeping together recently until he asked you to move back to your own room? Isn't too much jealously/possessiveness why he reneged on the relationship sleeping arrangement?


When can you move out and start dating again without all these complications?.

on social media you find your SO following random females
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No, I never cared about that when I had a boyfriend. I also have men that I find attractive and that doesn't change just because I'm in a relationship and I know there are plenty of attractive females hotter than me out there, but if someone is with me I hope that it's also due to other things that make me special and not just because they find me hot so that's alright.


If he were sending them flirting messages or making creepy sexual/flirting comments to them I'd find it disrespectful and would communicate that with him, but I don't really care who my SOs follow on social media per se. So yes, I consider jelousy and insecurity if that's the only issue here.

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I am currently single.. but when I have been in my recent relationships I did get very insecure about my SO following attractive girls on instagram. I would often stalk who they were following, and if the count went up so I could see if they had started to follow anyone new. I voiced my opinion about it both relationships, my SO both times removed the additional people they were following and said they would stop. I know this makes me needy/jealous, but I think it is wrong to look at these accounts and I would continue to voice my opinion about this in future relationships. I just hope they aren't the type of guy to do that in the first place though.

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