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Should I talk to one or both?


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Hi everyone, I listened to those of you who told me to stop talking to guys online--I am no longer doing so.



So, I told my friend about everything and little did I know she was trying to hook me up with two guys.





She was going to the movies with her boyfriend and she wanted me to come so bad--she wouldn't stop asking me until I finally said yes. I didn't know why she wanted me to go so bad.



Well, I ended up going with her to the movies. We decided to go get our tickets, popcorn, or whatever and go sit down. It was like fifteen minutes into the movie that her before finally arrived. He sat down beside her and his guy friend sat on her other side (when we went to sit down in the movies I moved one seat over so that it was a seat in between us because I thought only her boyfriend was coming, he didn't sit in that chair his friend (he was very cute) did).


I was pissed and nervous at the same time. I was mad at her for not giving me an heads up and nervous because I rarely talk to guys in person because I'm so use to talking to them online or on the phone.



So we were chilling and my friend and her boyfriend were talking up a storm. But anyways his friend decided to talk to me--I really wasn't interested in him at the time but he was cute so...



We kind of talked throughout the movie it was off and on.



Anyways, my friend left me to go hang out with her boyfriend leaving me and his friend together--they set me or us up.


I was ready to go home. I was happy when the movie finally ended because it was kind of awkward. All of us went to the part where they had games or whatever and played them for like fifteen minutes until my friend was ready to leave.



His friend asked me for my number--which a boy rarely, rarely, rarely does so I gave it to him and me him have been talking for a week and some.



The other boy she tried hooking me up with he was pretty cool and he gave me his number and I was talking to him at the same time as the other dude.



I am talking to both of them at the same time right now and I asked another friend of mines should I talk to one or both of them and she said one.



I know which one I want to talk to but I don't want to make a mistake and, even if I wanted to talk to him only I don't think I could because I don't know how to tell the other guy that I don't want to talk to him no more. I mean I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings because I know how that feels.


I agreed to talking to only one guy at a time because last time I talked to a couple of dudes at the same time I almost forgot his name and was about to give another guy's name.



Should I talk to one or both of them?

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It depends. Are you and they looking for a serious relationship? Or are you all just looking to hang out sometime and be friends? It really does come down to what your expectations and their expectations is.


If they are each looking for a girlfriend, then yes, only talk to one of them. It might be a difficult choice but choose the one you like better.

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You are young, and you will learn that you dont put all of your eggs in one basket. If you know what that means.


You are thinking way way too much about this. Have fun, be careful and enjoy it. Its not about finding a hubby or a serious long term relationship. Learn how to be with someone. How to have fun, how to share and grow.

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