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Ok... I have a problem. There's this girl and her name is Katie. I love her with all my heart. I told her how I felt about her on Valentine's Day, and she was very hesitant. Later I found out she likes this one guy that used to like me. But he doesn't like her, so that wouldn't work out for her.


I keep telling her how I feel about her but she just doesn't feel the same way I feel for her. My heart is broken and I feel alone. I wish she'd like me but I fear it's no use trying anymore. What should I do?

(don't reply if you are against gays, les, etc)

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Do you know if she's interested or ever contemplated a same sex relationship?


If she is not she may find your approaches quite confronting and confusing. Perhaps rather than talking to her about a relationship with you, talk in more general terms about whether she has ever considered same sex relationships and how she feels about them.

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I don't think I can really offer any valuable advice, but maybe she just isn't into girls. I mean there is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian. I'm a straight guy and I'd be a little annoyed if a guy wanted to go out with me, I'm just not into that kinda thing. I prefer women. I mean it's gotta hurt that she doesn't feel the same way about you, but you should just move on and keep looking and I'm sure you will find a girl that likes you and you like her and you two would hit it off, but that's my two cents I'm sure there are other people here that can offer better advice.

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Hm. I wouldn't push the issue. You are young and have to remember that people your age don't nessessarly feel the same way about having a same sex relationship. When a girl is bi they might think it's ok to mess around with a girl but some don't think it's ok to acutally have a relationship. Get it? Also I wouldn't push the issue because I am sorry sweetie but if someone doesn't like you like that, you can't MAKE them. There are more cookies in the sea.

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Well, regardless of whether you are gay, straight, or bi, eventually, you'll have feelings for someone, and they won't feel them back. There's nothing you can do to get them to chage their mind. Especially if you like her, but she likes boys.


It's nothing that's wrong with you! John Grey, of Venus and Mars, says it's like with mangoes. Some people like mangoes, and others don't. Just because a person doesn't like mangoes, it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the person, or there is something wrong with the mango, it's just the way things are.


You'll meet someone that you like, and they will return those feelings. Good luck!

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Yeah the best thing to do is not to push it. If she doesn't feel the same way then there is no way to make her. It's not that she sees anything wrong with it. It's just that she doesn't feel the same way about you or she could be straite. I know it hurts but do try to move on. Maybe offer to be friends with her and get to know her better.

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Others on here gave you great advice. It sounds like your friend is into boys. You can't change her mind to like you in that way or want to be with a woman. You are both very young. Maybe just enjoy your friendship with this girl and not try for more. If that might be too hard for you because you have feelings for her that aren't being reciprocated, maybe avoid all contact with her for a while to help get over her.


I'm sure there are plenty of others your age that are lesbian. Just keep and open mind and an open heart and you will find love.


I know how it feels to be attracted to someone of the same sex and have it not be reciprocated. It is hard to get over like any romantic situation in which the other person doesn't have those feelings that you have for them.

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I'm so glad you told her about your feelings toward her, that was important.


No one should ever reject a person's affection by being annoyed or bothered by it. That's ridiculous. Simply saying "I'm not interested" seems sufficient to me.


It's your job now, to accept her feelings about you, and move on to other people, places and things. There are plenty more.



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