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Ok guys, well my ex broke up with me about 2 months ago, and we wernt talking or hanging out until a week and a half ago. Since then, we have been really getting along, and she said that right now she wants to be firends, but shes open to the idea of maybe gettign back together later on. She jsut wants to get stuff in order, and if were meant to be we will be together. What do you guys think this means? and how shoudl I play this? I still lvoe her and I think she knows it.

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You do as she says (if you want to be with her). Be friends and if things progress nicely then they do. Just go with the flow, she wants to see how things work out between you two and not wanting to have another eposide of last time.

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see i dont want to tell you something positive becaues you have to keep a negative mind set in this case lol. the pessimist way will actually help you-help you to be calm, not too flirty or needy. you have to keep in mind that its just friendship right now that she wants and not cross too many lines. but to answer your question it seesm like she MIGHT BE INTERESTED or she just wants to have you at an arms length so that whenever she wants you you're there. just be careful and know whta you want as well. if you're cool with being friends do that. dont pressure her too much about the future and getting back and all that. itll push her away

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Why is it when girls break up with you, they always want to be friends. Why would anyone want to be friends with anyone that hurt them. Think about it. she wants you near, to have someone to lean on. If she had issues to deal with when you were dating, she could have worked on those issues, she could have talked to you about them. If she did not confide in you, it shows she does not have enough faith in you to support her. What kind of relationship is that?

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She's keeping her options open. In other words, she wants to be 'friends' with you as a means of keeping you hanging on in the background - but at the same time is likely to be 'looking for greener pastures' elsewhere, ie: other guys.......hence why she doesn't want total involvement/committment to you. JMO anyhow.


Lets be friends, is often said, when one party is not interested in nor doesn't want to become romantically involved with another. This is true of women, I know, I am one. It's a means of trying not to hurt 'feelings' and I reckon this applies to ex boyfriend/girlfriend relationships too.......they are trying to not hurt your feelings by using the 'let's just be friends' line. Sometimes they say this to ease their guilt and not particularly because they want you back/are still interested in you.

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