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Scam...but don't know how it would have played out?


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:surprise:So this guy posts a job on Facebook for a personal assistant paying $520 per week for 30 hours per week and send a pm if interested. In pm he says that he has a speaking disability and that he would need a special phone that I would use and communicate with him in text to relay info to his clients in a finance business. He says that I would need $25 to set up a new account to deposit my weekly pay and to deposit the money for the phone. Then he asked me to notify him just before i entered the bank.


It just sounded fishy to me, so I blocked him. I am just wondering what his angle was going to be. Does anyone have any ideas??

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Yes, very clearly a scam. Good thing you blocked him. I think there is a feature on Facebook where you can report him. Not sure though. His angle is to empty people's bank accounts and feed his own.

Yes. I did report him on Facebook and blocked him as well. What I do not understand is how he was going to operate the scam since the account I was going to open was in my name and he was going to make deposits into it.

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