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Please help me!

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I would like to ask something. I just got dumped. We were in a long term relationship. She was the only girl that I've been with. I am fairly to good looking guy, but afraid of intimacy and with very low self-esteem. I have a good job and plenty of education, but one problem-excess body hair. I am not that hairy, but have hair on my back. I looked onto laser removal but am afraid of it, due to the numerous moles on my body. My question is: is this a big turn off. I read some of the forums discussing the back hair problem, some women, the once on that forum find it very repulsive. I don't know what to do. I am constantly thinking about ending my life.

I miss her. I never thought that was a problem, but after the break up I realized that it might be in the future .

Even if I find a girl that I like how do I tell her? Please help me!

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To make you feel better there are women that think body hair is sexy.

My ex.. Had body hair, he felt the same way you did. He did try the laser treatment, i saw the results and it was horrible. Because he had thick hair the laser treatment caused little burns on his body. I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through that. I'm against it for this reason.


I don't think hair is something to e ashamed off, the perfect image potrayed by media of a hairless muscular man is not the norm. Normal people have unique attributes. The woman for you will be someone who will love you, and love your body hair.


Personally i find body hair sexy and i know a lot of other women do too. It shows your more manly. So be proud and show it off.

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You just haven't found the right girl. There are people out there who will love you for you, and even a few women out there that really love hairy guys. My mom used to tell me she thought of hairy men as more masculine, my dad wasn't a real hairy guy but she had a thing for hairier guys. Your dreamgirl may not love backhair but because it's part of you she'll accept it. None of us are perfect, even those percieved as perfect have things they don't like about themselves. Focus on what you have to offer and it sounds like a lot.

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