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we should just be friends for awhile

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the other day my girlfriend told me that we needed to talk so i went and found her at luch so we could talk she told me that she feels that we dhould just be friends for awhile i told her i didnt want to but she said it would ony be temporary. I knew this was coming we just recently started martial arts classes and she told me that when we're at class that she just wants to be friends but once we leave class were togethor but now she says she just wants to be friends but she still loves me so she says what does all this mean can anyone help me find out

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well..i'd say she's confused a bit bout what she wants..so go ahead nd give her space, tell her tht she can take her time nd then let you know nd that in any case u'd be by her side..ny problems goin on her on the family/work side?..dont call her till she calls..nd if she wants to talk thn do so..if u dont hear from her for a week or so nd u still want her back..then mayb u culd buy flowers nd jus drop in to say 'hi'..or u culd just bring her lunch 2 her workspace...this wuld show her u care bout her..nd a week apart wuld've done both of u good! believe me..she'll start talking nd wuld find the soft sensitive "always listening" kinda guy in u again..jus give her a bit of space nd dont act too needy..just considerate!

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act as if nothing happened! thts what i would do..u dont need to change partners or anything..remain cheerful and positive, just like friends need 2 be..i'm assuming the class has other people too..so whn u see something funny nd she's by your side..mention it to her, if u saw somethin hilarious or came accross an email tht was funny tell her bout it..but dont go yap yap yap all the time..what i'm sayin is for the time being..focus on external things..things that are happening around whn u go for the class rather than things that are happenin between u...whn u're done with the class, say 'bye', walk her 2 her car if it looks like she wants that but not everytime and everyday!...then maybe one fine day..u culd ask her out of the blue "if she did any thinking about 'us'" nd see what she says!...if u see her 2-3 times a week(martial arts classes) then hold on to the flower/lunch idea for a bit long..

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yup..dont say a word that suggests 'us' in any explicit way..act just the way u did before the "conversation" happened but take out any signs bout u thinking that u 2 are together..now u run a risk of givin signals that u're alright with bein frnds nd thts what u want it to be..so the u've to be particular about how long u wanna act 'just frnds' with her..i'd say one-two weeks..no more than that..after tht u gotta talk to her bout how u feel bout her nd if she's given ny thots to her decision..

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Similar to my situation. My ex told me to be just friend but keep seeing each other. I was so stupid that I didn't change myself to make her comfort. Now I lost her totally. My advice is if you really love her, show her more caring and love. I make this mistake for not acting, I hope you don't.


Good luck

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