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Is my boyfriend's best friend attracted to me after the threesome??


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Lets say my bf name is Mario and his bestfriend is Luigi.


Before going on to read all of this, I simply ask for no rude comments, and I don’t want to hear how messed up it is or any of that. I just need someone to see my point of view and tell me whether he's attracted to me or not. That is all I ask for.


Background info: I have known Luigi ever since I was a little girl but we never talked. I'd see him more when I was in school and I always thought he was attractive. We started talking once Mario and I started dating & it's always super chill hanging out with them both.


Sign 1: He stares. A lot. All the time..

I always catch him checking me out. Whenever I'm wearing anything that shows my figure or shows anything at all he does not hesitate to look. Somehow every time, I catch him. Sometimes I make it obvious when I catch him sometimes I don't. When I make it obvious you can tell in his head he's kind of like "oh s*** I got caught" lol. But I cant lie, I like some eye candy too. He's caught me staring too. For example, we went to a party last weekend and while Mario and I were dancing, Luigi kept checking me out up & down. We kept making eye contact and he wouldn't even look away. He has this look where it just locks your eyes with his.


Sign 2: I had a threesome with Mario and Luigi

I know. Woah. Mario & I have always been open to try out adventurous things in the bedroom so please don't judge. One day Mario randomly brought up having a threesome with Luigi. Even before he had ever suggested anything I had always wanted to do things with Luigi. I was sexually attracted to him, so when Mario brought it up I said yes right away. All three of us were intoxicated when it was happening, but lets just say Luigi did NOT hide that he had always wanted it to happen too. We didn't get to "finish" because Mario was too intoxicated so Luigi left and went home. The next morning when I went on my Facebook I saw Luigi had liked one of my old pics around the time he had gone home & I took a wild guess and figured he wanted to "finish" off by looking at my pics. After the threesome things have been getting more intense between Luigi & I.


Sign 3: He was very touchy and up close

This is the reason I am even typing all of this at this moment. Last night we had a little kickback with a couple of Mario's friends and of course Luigi was there. Everyone was having a good time drinking and hanging out. At a certain point everyone was in the dining room cracking jokes being dumb. I was standing right in between Mario and Luigi. Luigi's hand kept brushing against my butt very lightly but I could still feel it. Then he'd turn to talk to me and he'd grab me by the waist and pull me in to talk to me up closer. Once everyone started leaving, Mario was too drunk to drive so I drove and followed Luigi home to make sure he got there safe. He first dropped off a friend then came up to the window and told me to follow him to his house. Once we got to his house he came up to my window and when I put it down he got REALLY close to my face while he was talking to me and he was making direct eye contact and kept looking at my lips. Mario at the time was passed out in the seat. He then just asked if I was going to make it home safe and I said yeah and he said okay have a good night and made me shake his hand. Once he started walking to go in his house he was wobbling everywhere because he himself was drunk too. Then he had fallen to the floor and I was about to go help him get up and go inside the house but at that moment Mario woke up, told me to stay in the car and got off the car to go help him get up. Once Luigi got in the house we left. What I'm wondering is if he faked passing out in the lawn to go help him get IN his room while Mario was passed out in the car. It only makes sense because I knew Luigi wasn't THAT drunk to pass out like that on the lawn. I've seen him way more intoxicated than he was last night and he could still walk a straight line.


Sign 4: I can't get him out of my head

This is all on me. I'm going crazy after all these things happening. Like I'm not really sure what to think. I do have a crush on him, I'll admit it. But I wanna know if he crushes on me the same I do for him. I crave him, literally. When I went to bed I dreamed about him coming on to me and telling me he wanted me. I feel as if I need to have him one more time.



I know this all sounds really weird but that’s how I feel about it. What do you guys think? Am I overthinking it? Does he want me like I want him? Do you think he faked being passed out? I'd like to have a guys perspective on this since men think differently than women do. It's a fact, not being sexist lol. Please help.


***PS: Luigi and I don’t ever talk besides whenever we see each other and hang around each other with Mario, which isn't as often as you think but its been more frequent lately. I don’t even have his number so I can't really say we even have a friendship. Which I don't mean in a bad way but it's more of I talk to him because he's Mario's best friend and he talks to me because I'm his best friends girlfriend. But when all 3 of us do hang out we are comfortable talking about anything and everything. That's why we were so comfortable with the threesome but I feel like it intensified the craving for each other. Especially since we didn't get to finish the deed.

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