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Is he just having fun, or is he actually interested in me?


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Hello...Haven't been here in awhile, but I need some advice about a current situation I'm in. I met this guy almost a week ago now and I really like him. We have a lot in common, he's really funny, smart, super good looking...everything I want in a guy. We've been talking every day since we met, we flirt A LOT, and he's always complimenting me. Obviously I am in no rush to date him because I'd like to get to know him more before hand (we're going on a date this Saturday actually!) but I don't know how to tell if he's seriously interested in something in the future or if he's just having some fun with me. Any advice?

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Dating is supposed to be about getting to know each other, flirting, having fun, etc. It's not for planning the wedding. Too much too soon is a red flag. You can't be "serious" about someone you don't know.


Take it slowly, don't get over invested because he matches a checklist.


Have you met in person yet? See how the date goes...relax and enjoy!

I met this guy almost a week ago now and I really like him. We have a lot in common, he's really funny, smart, super good looking...everything I want in a guy. we're going on a date this Saturday actually!
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He is interested in you, he wouldn't be going out on a date Saturday with you otherwise. And this is your first date with him, so it is a date. Dating is - going out.


When you go out just be yourself and don't get caught up in all his super good looks. He'd be used to girls fawning all over him, so don't be like that. Just go out and have a good time!

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You are just starting out so I suggest Baby steps. This guy and you should have a no pressure date where relationship talk is brought up. Relationship will come at its own pace if it's meant to with this guy. Just because he fits everything on paper Also doesn't mean he is the right guy. You would be surprised that most relationships that are the best happen with people you don't expect to happen with!


Also if you are questioning his intentions this early on, you need to answer why you have such insecurities already about him.



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