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Soo hurt and depressed need help with this one


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So here it goes....my fiancé left me Saturday morning due to the fact that someone with a fake fb profile with no pic and a fake name has msg her telling my fiancé she's my ex amd I've been contacting her for 2 yes trying to get her back and that I cheat on her all the time...this of course is not true..I have been a faithful man our whole relationship since day 1...she left me and is now at her parents tellng me she needs space and that she doesn't wanna see me or talk to me...what do I do is she ever coming home I feel like I'm dead inside so hurt and heartbroken and I know she is too...I dunno what to do plz help me with this anyone

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Who would do this and why? Did this fake person have believable details about you? Have you seen these messages?

someone with a fake fb profile with no pic and a fake name has msg her telling my fiancé she's my ex amd I've been contacting her for 2 yes trying to get her back and that I cheat on her all the time.
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Yes I read the message all this person said was that I've been contacting her for years to get her back and that I cheat...she asked to see out text messages but of course the so called accuser doesn't need have any...thisnis sol hard for me cause I have never cheated but my fiancé doesn't believe me

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Yes I explained it she just keeps telling me she doesn't believe me...and that she needs her space right now and doesn't wanna see me

She sounds like a fool. I'd need legit details like WHO are you? Like I need screenshots of text messages. She may just want to break up & is doing this herself. I think its a sabotage

Who would do this and why? Did this fake person have believable details about you? Have you seen these messages?
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It is strange to me that she is not giving you the benefit of the doubt whatsoever. The person messaging her has zero proof and yet she's choosing to believe an anonymous mystery-person rather than her own fiance.


Have there previously been trust issues? Any other problems?


Any chance she wanted out of the relationship and created this to make her exit and blame you?

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This sounds terrible. I have no idea what kind of sicko would do such a thing.


If it was me, I would expect my fiance to to trust me over an anonymous facebook sicko, especially if there is no believable evidence. Remember that the evidence NEEDS to be believable for your fiance to have just cause for believing it over YOU - her fiance.


I'm assuming there's no believable evidence as you say. In that case, I wonder what the reason is for there being no trust and benefit of the doubt. Two possibilities

1. There have been previous trust issues that are causing her apparent irrationality

2. She fundamentally doesn't trust you, which should be a worry for you if there are no reasons not to trust you.


How long have you been together? In that time have there been any other trust issues coming up?


I know how hurtful it can be when your fiance believes you are capable of something you are not. It's a really crucial point for me, as it's come up in my relationship, and on reflection could be a red flag. Without real trust, you can be on a hiding to nothing, so be careful - but it's really important you look back and identify any previous trust issues - exes, jealousy etc.

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No there are no other trust issues ...she tokd me today that she belueves me and know I didn't cheat...ages saying she still needs space and that I need to work on my jealousy issues and try and have more financial stability but she told me again today she loves and misses me but still needs space cause it to hard for her to see me right now

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The best thing you can do is pull back and get on a self improvement plan. Inside and out. Get in shape, work out, get new clothes, haircut, etc. Build up your confidence and work on yourself, not convincing her of anything.


Go through your finances and set up a plan to improve that. Sell stuff, get rid of junk and clutter, save more and make more. Get a job or a second job or career training. Join some groups or clubs that interest you, volunteer. Build your character.


Do all this for yourself not for her or to prove anything or to get anyone back.

she still needs space and that I need to work on my jealousy issues and try and have more financial stability
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Easier said then done I already have a good job making good money but I spend solo much in her and pay bills but she thinks I'm not doing enough...I just miss her and wanna be with her...im scared if she has too much space she will not come back st all

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