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My Emotional Rollercoaster

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Okay I don't know whats wrong with me!


I've known this girl for 2 - 2.5 years. I've liked her from day one, but never had the guts to say anything. Well Friday I was determined to say something....alas I didn't cause she has a boyfriend


Firstly I'm 25 and never dated before and although it seems cliche I have never felt this way about anyone ever! I can never get her out of my mind, I've lost heaps of sleep over and this has gone on since I've known her.


Anyway....Friday after we got together for lunch i felt so weird, but not the usual way I feel when I essentially get regected. I wanted to break something, I wanted to cry but could get more than a drop or two out. I hardly slept all night. Saturday morning I did cry, & I want to cry now sunday. I've never been like this over a girl. I have a constant frog in my throwt, and I fell sick every now and then. I just can't get her out of my mind, I try but ineviteable I'm back on her.


I've never had such strong emotions or feelings for someone. I just don't understand. Early last year I decided I should give up on her cause I didn't have the guts, so I stopped calling her. I wouldn't say I got over her but I was on my way to get over her. But out of the blue she rings me, & she sparked my interest again. Early this year I decided I needed to become more confident with women & try and talk to them more. I also tried to get over her again by looking at other chicks and seeing if I"m interested in any and perhaps pursuing. That was going really well talk wise, but ever women I looked at I couldn't see myself with. I don't know what It si...I've never really been easily attracted to women but it seems different this time. I can't see myself with anyone else except her!!!!!!!.


Most of my life could could honestly say that I have zero passion for anything. The first time i am passionate about something and the first time it felt right it all goes to hell. I don't understand why I'm feeling like this. This isn't just alittle disappontment over 'some' girl.


I'm scared...I was scared when I felt so strongly about her and I'm scared of losing her!!. And I'm scared that I'll never feel this way again. There has to be something wrong with me. I've wandered around the house all day doing nothing bored out of my brain, cranky , upset & lonely! I wanted to just run away....and die.


I'm so sick of not having a girl friend, I'm so sick of being alone. I just don't know how much longer I can put up with all this crap. I'm 25 never dated & in love with someone who doesn't know I exist. I don't want to wake up in 5 - 10 years down the track and still be single. So everyone has suggested I get out and just mingle. I've been doing that and I can't see myself with anyone except this girl. Shes sooo different to anything I've been attractected to........and she has made me feel things I've never thought was possible. But its' a waste..i just don't know what to do. I can easily see myself a week from now feeling the same, and 10 years down the track still being single. I do know one thing I will never forget this girl.


I suppose one of my problems is i've never been really good with my emotions & expressing how I fell. So I guess I'm really struggling to handle such extreem feelings.


How the hell do i get over this girl..& should I give up?

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dude i know how you feel, and its because i was feeling the same way you have been feeling. 4 years ago, for the first time in my life i fell in love in my good friend for ages, i decided to do something about it and told her, went all wrong and even though she said we should stick to be friend it didnt happen.It destroyed me emotionally.I'm not going to lie to you and say its not going to happen but it may but the thing you have to ask yourself is it worth taking the risk. the first thing you need to understand is wether this particular girl is interested in you, i suggest you look through the web for some body behaviour signs which tell you wether she likes you or not. If u find out that she doesnt like u, leave and believe me that if you get rejected u will be feeling 10x worse that u feeling now. However i believe it doesnt matter who u are or who u look like you can woo any women and if u really believe she is worth the time maybe you should try and get her. Try looking in the internet for some tips, im sure there are loads of websites. The fact of the matter that you are single, never dated and falled in love with his girl is exactly my situation was 4 years ago. What ever u decide to do, i believe if u cant get thid girl and im sure u would find someone, i know its advice that everyone seems to say but its true and im proof of that, now im in love with this most beautiful girl in world, i left my past behind and moved on.Confidence seems to be something that you have inside but are afraid to let out because of the thought of rejection.


if you want to get over this girl i suggest you break your friendship because i know that the worst feeling in life is knowing u lost someone who is still next you. I dont suggest forever but maybe for a while,u need to time to to yourself to reflect not to get depressed, i know its hard but you have to be strong some how pull it off. Dude this is a hard hurdle to jump and it's going to be hard...i hope i helped ..if you really feel down and have nobody to talk to ..you can email me if you want dude.!!i know what you are going through


take care dude

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Well I'm kinda feeling alittle better. I've probably stupidly decided I'm going to say something. I sure nothing is going to happen but i figure I need to do this for myself. I'm usually the one who sits back and never says anything, But I need to change that if I want things to change and finally get a girl. Even if nothing happens hopefully we can still be friends. I'm not 100% sure I want that though....I do but I think it would cause me to many problems trying to forget her. But I doubt that...I'll bet I never see her again once I tell her how i feel/ask her out.


Theres two reasons why I have decided to ask; firstly for me...I need to get into more of a habit of asking for what i want. As Dr Phil says "You have to name it to claim it" or something like that. Secondly I've never felt this way about anyone and I don't think i could ever forgive myself for not trying hard enough for someone I really really care about. Anyway hopefully I'll feel better over the next few days & become my usual self. Hopefully I'll also get lucky with that special girl too, but i doubt it


I'm still scared that she'll say no. But i'm also scared that I'll never feel like this/or find someone like this again....but I guess i have no choice but to plod along.

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Listen, believe me. I know how hard it is to ask out a really good friend, especially if you've never dated before. I've been put in a situation similar, so I understand what you're saying and going through, but you have to speak up for yourself. If she doesn't feel the same then the worst she can say is no. It's not like she will bite your head off. And if she can't be just friends after you tell her, then there is no way that she's worthy of you. Listen, if you ever want to talk through email or IM, just hit me up. My name is Lindsey by the way.

Email- email removed

IM- lovesmissinglink OR jwlinkiegirl3

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