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I have a moderate case of aforementioned ailment... But no matter how hard I wash it never seems to disappear! Im always being told its all in the washing. After i do my skin feels almost dry, but it seems to grease over within an hour or so again! WTH can i do about that? And it seems that I won't change anything and they will get a little better, and thne decline again. Diet is very good, (havent had chips in months or a packet of crisps since Christmas and Im in good health / fit. Any suggestions? I dont particularly want to pump myself full of drugs either!


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I am currently in school to become a medical esthetician and I have learned a lot about the skin. Make sure you are using good products,a gentle cleanser and yes, moisturizer. Your oil glands are just over active but harsh cleansing with only stimulate them more. If you have the cash go to a spa or skin care clinic or even dermatologist. The dermatologist is more likely to prescribe you drugs but the esthetician with offer good products and techniques. I know you hate hearing this as I did 5 years ago, but this is just a phase and it will pass. I know that offers no comfort but this is typically an adolescent problem. Hang in there. I am sure the other kids in your school have similar problems.

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Try getting a tan...no joke...just lie in the sun on a warm sunny day, even in winter for about 15 mins. Don't overdo it. This will not elimintate the problem but it will make it much better. Also, I find that just washing your face is not as good as taking a whole shower (not for your body, i'm talking about your face) and also wash your hair because a lot of the grease might come from the hair (the grease on top obviously) and that doesn't help....shukarus

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Acne can be a very complicated condition, and if you want to know all there is about it then there's no better site than link removed

I'll just advise you to avoid antibiotics unless they're for a specific infection, as long term antibiotics can lead to chronic problems. Benzoyl peroxide used as described in link removed will clear you up.

Natural solutions include tea tree oil, which is excellent, and witch hazel. Do not wash too much; twice a day with a good cleanser should be fine. BUT make sure your hair is clean before you go to bed as greasy/dirty hair will get on your pillow then on your face and make things worse.

There's no proven link between diet and acne, but if you notice certain foods cause breakouts then it's common sense to avoid them.

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Thanks for the link...I thought I was done with acne, but as soon as I hit my middle twenties I started breaking out all over my neck and jawline. No where else really. I'm pretty sure hormones are causing it, but I'm goig to try that Benzoyl Peroxide regimind and see if that works...thanks again.

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  • 1 month later...

there's no proven link between diet and acne...and maybe there never will.

But, face it, it has an impact on acne. We are what we eat, not? So acne can be a result of that.


I've had a great improvement from only changing my diet (more vitamin B5, less dairy products, ...).


Maybe you should try those things?

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