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Am I pregnant?


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So I started taking the pill 5 months ago. Last month I was in the middle of exams and under fairly high stress, and drinking a lot of coffee. The week before I finished my pack of the pill I had what could only be described as the end of the period, the dark thick blood at the end, for about two days accompanied by cramps. I finished the pill and 1 got one more day of this end period and nothing else. I took a pregnancy test just to be sure before starting my next pack and it was negative, I also wasn't too panicked as I know stress and too much caffeine can cause a period to be very light or even not come at all. I am now only two weeks in on my next pack and am experiencing what feels like cramps, my breasts seem to be tender and I'm having a white discharge, all signs that I usually get a few days before my period but can also be a sign of pregnancy. I have never missed a pill so I find it hard for me to be pregnant and the negative pregnancy test makes me think I'm not either. However I'm concerned as to why I'm getting what seems to be a period mid cycle while still taking my pill religiously?

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