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I think im being strung along


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No contact got for 2 weeks.


The 2ND week she would call, text, snapchat, and one day even sat in her car outside my work. She was going to desperate measures to get my attention.


I gave it some deep thought, and decided to talk to her. I love her.


She falls apart on the phone. Admits to me she's been with a long time friend of hers like a week after we split. They're not officially together, he wants it, she doesn't. Her heart is with me. She loves me. She's sorry for lieing to me about it.


She says next month, she planned a baby shower at her house for this guy's sister. Who she's been friends with a long time. She wants out of it. This rebound has been suicidal in the past and she fears telling him off will drive him to doing it. Also, her circle of friends will not talk to her anymore since he's part of the circle.


She kept saying she doesn't want to hurt any of them so it's going to take her time to end it. Like she's got to devise a plan to get rid of him and the baby shower without hurting them.


Here's what confuses me. She says that afterwards we can't get right back together. Then when I asked if she was going to continue sleeping with him, verbatim "I don't plan on it but you don't get to tell me what to do"


The next day, she doesn't contact me at all until I text her in the evening. She calls, and she's cold. When I asked if she has told him yet, she said no I haven't had time.


Now I'm sitting here a day later with no contact from her wondering how she could say all that and then go cold.


I feel stupid and regret breaking no contact like if she really felt that way she would just end it and she's playing games.Or am I being insensitive?

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Hey, sorry to hear that she jumped in bed with that guy right afterwards. It has happened to me and doesn't feel good at all, however, do not take this as such a bad sign. This just says that she took your breakup harder than you did and that she needed to fill the gap which was you before. Obviously this has backfired on her and she now needs to break things off with this other guy, but that is exactly what it is my friend, HER problem. Not yours! Go nocontact again, if she is sending you messages while you are doing it conastantly then softly tell her that you need your space right now. Do not cave in to her demands, I'm guessing she broke up with you? She is afraid of losing you which is why she messages you still. If you want this girl back then do the exact opposite of what she thinks you will do. You are not being insensitive, you simply need the time to heal and become a confident person again. No contact until you are ready! Don't do the stupid 28 day rule or 49 day rule or whatever, go no contact until you know for sure that you are once again a confident, strong person again.

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Wow, sounds crazy. She can't "get rid of him because it will hurt him" but it's ok to yank your heart around. Yeah, no. Continue no contact until she's done making excuses for this guy.

She kept saying she doesn't want to hurt any of them so it's going to take her time to end it. She says that afterwards we can't get right back together. Then when I asked if she was going to continue sleeping with him, verbatim "I don't plan on it but you don't get to tell me what to do"
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Wow, sounds crazy. She can't "get rid of him because it will hurt him" but it's ok to yank your heart around. Yeah, no. Continue no contact until she's done making excuses for this guy.


I told her that. She doesn't want to hurt him but she can play with my feelings. She says that I've always been her rock and can talk to her about anything, another thing she loves about me.


Yes, crazy.

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