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What time during a day is the best time to have sex??

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That really depends on you and your partner. Some people like it at different times. And it also depends on your schedules. I thin during the week, it is easier often at night. On the weekends, often the mornings are easier. But it all depends on the two people.

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I for one have to agree with richgabe, for I too prefer the afternoon. However, for me, it's because it's in the middle of my day, a short intermission between work, and it makes me feel like i'm doing something bad, having sex when I should be getting ready for work.

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I enjoy dusk... right before it gets dark... when the sun is setting... I think it's more romantic...


I guess when it really comes down to it, I really am just a hopeless romantic, and what JanieMarie23 says really strikes home, so I guess I don't really know when, it really depends on both the people, and the mood they're in.

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I'm going to go with first thing in the morning. You just can't beat that. I mean, when you get up (us guys, anyways), you're already ready to go!!! lol!! Too damn good to pass up. Not to mention the other benefits of morning sex; your hair is already messy, you are going to have to take a shower anyways, and you're already in bed, and probably not wearing much!! da da da da da, i'm lovin it

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