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My lesbian girlfriend don't take pictures of me or with me


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I'm a 30 year old bisexual female and I'm in a relationship with my bestfriend who's a lesbian. I know she don't really like taking pictures of herself but she loves taking pictures of others. Well.... she use to. Every since she stop talking to the girls who did not like that we started dating she stop taking pictures of me and with us together unless we go to a concert or something like that (which is not often) the only time she take pictures is when other female friends of hers come over and still not really of me. I'm not normally bothered by silly things like this but it's been happening a lot and I even try dressing better or taking things back like when we first started dating. I even talked to her about these things to see if she realized what she's doing (bcuz sometimes she don't know when she's hurting me) but it's like when they come over its like she completely forget we had that conversation. Is it me? I don't know what to do or how to feel.

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Every since she stop talking to the girls who did not like that we started dating she stop taking pictures of me


I wonder if these girls left her feeling a sense of shame about her sexuality or choice of partner. She may not even realize she's doing this, but could just be subconsciously avoiding pictures because she is worried others will react negatively.


How is the relationship otherwise? You don't have to be bothered by this if you don't want to be. I wouldn't let something this small ruin what could otherwise be a great romance.

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Is she out to everyone, including work, extended family, etc? Is she afraid a couple-like pic would be an issue for her? It doesn't sound like it's about you at all.

she stop taking pictures of me and with us together unless we go to a concert or something like that. I even talked to her about these things to see if she realized what she's doing but it's like when they come over its like she completely forget we had that conversation.
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She takes pictures of the two of you when you are at an event together, but she doesn't just take random day to day photos. I don't take selfies. I have photos from when we went on vacation, etc., but don't see the purpose of random photos like other people do. If she does NOT like photos taken of herself and only seems to take a photo when you are doing something significant together or if a friend who you haven't seen in awhile comes over, I think she is just a healthy person who is not so full of herself that she needs constant photos documenting every moment of her life. Also, there are few if any photos of me on the internet - none i have put there and a couple randoms from charity events, etc, that I was not in control of posting - if she doesn't post photos it could be that she values her privacy as well. Don't make a non-issue a big issue.

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