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How can I survive high school when I hate ALL my classmates?


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I'm a sophomore in high school and ,unfortunately, the school's system is basically that every grade has one classroom and only the teachers switch but not the students. This leaves me stuck with these people in my class for 4 whole years. I didn't really like them last year and this year I totally despise them and the thought of spending two more years with them literally gives me nightmares. The reason why I hate them is that they are all ,without any exception, pretentious, fake, insensitive and irrational. The people I tried to survive the days with were all using me just because they had problems with their friends and the moment those friends apologize to them, I'm left alone and completely forgotten as if I have never existed and stood with them in their hard times. And some others never accepted me for who I am and tried to change me to become a second version of them. There was a period where I was alone and just wandered the hallways during the dreadful breaks but then the counselor found out about it and forced me into a group where I felt awkward and it didn't last long. I really want to transfer schools but this school provides the learning system I've always wanted and there are no other similar schools so it's the only option for me.

My best friend moved countries and I won't be physically seeing her for years which makes it all worse. This whole situation with my classmates depresses me greatly and I just can't seem to find a way to survive through this awful period. And trust me, I've tried to blend in with lots of them and socialize but they always leave and it just adds to the pain. I can't seem to find any decent person in this whole school. None of them ever took the time to listen to me or try to understand me, they all just expected me to be there for them but never took account that I'm a human with feelings too. I just can't describe how much I want to get away from all of this and never have to see them ever again.

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High School can be brutal and I'm really sorry you have to endure this. That being said, I would be yourself. Don't change for anyone. I would also remain cordial and polite to them. Later in life people respect those who were nice to them. Not the fake, stuck up rude ones. Your HS legacy can be anything you want it to be. Nows the time to make it count.


Good luck.

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The reason why I hate them is that they are all ,without any exception, pretentious, fake, insensitive and irrational.

Unfortunately that is typical high school mentality no matter where you go.


Most of my high school friends were either a grade below me or a grade (or two) above me. I didn't fit in with my classmates much, but I met them through after school clubs. Find a club that you are interested in, or start a club and find a teacher to sponsor it.

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Typical high school drama. I had some friends at my school, but my best friends went to another high school and we met through an after school activity.


After middle school my best friend went to a private school. I made friends in HS, but nothing like the friendship that I had with him. I only talk to one person that I went to HS with, and she was a girl I sort of dated (long story). Sure I'll see folks that I went to school with from time to time, but it's usually a casual hi and that's about it.

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