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Suck at convos like hell

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Before me and my gf went out i was a little better than average at conversations. But now after a while we keep getting worse and worse. I draw alot of blanks with her and worry to much about if im doing good or not. It might not be that big of a deal but it's a real big one to me. Do all i need is practice? Will i get better eventually? Please give me some tips!!!!

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Conversations are a 2 way street. Do you listen when she speaks, or does she not communicate well either. Try to draw her out to talk about herself, then you can pick up on something that you know about and conversation will go from there. Let her do some of the work as well and don't think it always has to be you to talk first.

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Ok, so when your talking and she brings up something like sports, you could say basketball, then after talking about basketball lead onto something like NCAA, then after talking about NCAA you can move onto College's. So basically what I just wrote is means you have to take a subject and make sure it has "sub-subjects", then you can blab away because if it has one sub-subject and is a general topic (i.e. sports, school, weather, etc.) or if not it will still go on for a good period of time. That's how I do it that is. When I'm talking with friends I notice I do that a lot. Watch yourself, I bet you do it around one of your friends, your just panicking because it's your gf,....she must be an intimidating woman lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do things that lead naturally to conversations. Like, if right now your not good at just sitting and talking, don't go to a restaurant where you'll basically be expected to sit and talk with her. Instead take her bowling or mini-golfing or something somewhat active, and then just comment on the situation like "oh maybe you'd do better if you did this" etc. And above all, just relax and don't think about how badly your doing or dates will become more like a chore rather than fun.

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