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How do you gain someones trust back?


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First of all thank you.

He broke up with me 2 months ago, after almost a year, because "he just realised i wasnt his type". Before we broke up, I was going through something that I didn't want him or anyone else to know about, and I just wasn't myself at that point. I was acting crazy over little things, I was rude to him, and eventually he stopped caring. He left me at my worse. I know that, if the things that were happening to me didnt happen, we would still be together, because I used to be everything he needed in a person, and he is the same to me. He could not know that something was going on, so he just made a tought that I just nlw showed who I really was, and thar everyithing before that was just acting. I am working on getting better, but I am afraid that, when I do, I still wont be able to convince him that Im back to the person I used to be, and that he wont be able to trust me again. I know I shoul have told him what I was going through, but I couldnt. He is convinced he did the right thing and he even wants to hang out as friends, because he believes Im just not his type of girl. My question is, how do I make him trust me again to the point where we could start something again? Because I know we can.

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What were you going through that had to be kept secret? It sounds like his reasons/excuse for breaking up had more to do with just not feeling it anymore.


How old is he? Do you hang out as friends or have you been no contact?

"he just realised i wasnt his type". I was acting crazy over little things, I was rude to him. He is convinced he did the right thing and he even wants to hang out as friends, because he believes Im just not his type of girl.
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First of all thank you.

Great question by the way.


He broke up with me 2 months ago, after almost a year, because "he just realised i wasnt his type". Before we broke up, I was going through something that I didn't want him or anyone else to know about, and I just wasn't myself at that point. I was acting crazy over little things, I was rude to him, and eventually he stopped caring. He left me at my worse. I know that, if the things that were happening to me didnt happen, we would still be together, because I used to be everything he needed in a person, and he is the same to me.


If you are going through something that is impacting your relationship you have a duty to tell your partner about the issues you are facing. If there is a fear that he will leave you because of it, well then he was never the one you thought he was. Realistically it will only bring you closer together.


He could not know that something was going on, so he just made a tought that I just nlw showed who I really was, and thar everyithing before that was just acting. I am working on getting better, but I am afraid that, when I do, I still wont be able to convince him that Im back to the person I used to be, and that he wont be able to trust me again.


He could easily have moved on by then.


I know I shoul have told him what I was going through, but I couldnt. He is convinced he did the right thing and he even wants to hang out as friends, because he believes Im just not his type of girl. My question is, how do I make him trust me again to the point where we could start something again? Because I know we can.


In my opinion, you probably cant. The ship has probably sailed, but stranger things have happened. The best thing to do right now is forget about everyone else and focus on yourself. Just focus on you. Get better. Be the person you think you should be and if he still has interest, he will come back.

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