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scars are really upsetting me

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i just wondered if some people could give me some advice,

the problem is i have scars on my top back near my neck on my backside (bum) and some on my face due to an out burt of acne about a year ago, i still have spots which is horrible but bearable, but it's the scars, i'm very fair skined so most of the scars are a dark colour,

i'm embarrassed to go to the hairdressers and sex is awful,

i don't have enough money to go and get them seen to profeninaly, otherwise i would.

is there something i could use or try, please help x

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Lucky me, I have this thing where, if I ever cut or scratch myself, get a pimple (luckily for me I have mostly clear skin) or whatever, no matter where it is, it scars.

I have a few scars from acne I got due to an overdose of zinc tablets (smart me!) Because of the problem (vitamin overdose) I got them on my temples.. lucky for me I have a side fringe which basically covers them. Anyway, what I did to make them go away was to make a sugar, honey, lemon, milk and olive oil scrub and exfoliate my face every night with it. Honey, lemon and milk help fade scars and the sugar helps to gradually exfoliate them off, and so now most of my acne scars are gone. Its great, try it!


Theres also some Bio-Oil stuff i've found, its for scar treatment. That stuff is EXCELLENT too.

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I have a massive keloid scar on my arm - it red and raised and horrid!


There are things that the doctor can do to help - they can inject steroids (such as hyrocortisone) straight into the scar to flatten it. You can also ask to be referred to a dermatological cosmetic camoflauge unit which will help mix up a powder to your exact skin tone and show you how to apply the makeup.

From personal experience - these work really well.


However, nothing is gong to make your scars invisible and you will have to learn to live with them - they are part of you and your history - BE PROUD OF THEM!

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Although I am proud of the scars that come from like an accident or even falling from my bike for the 1000th time, I can imagine scars of acne are different.


My advise is to go to a solarium and get a healthy tan. Don't overdo of course, it's not healthy to go very often. I am fair skinned too, scars go white over time and by mild exposure to sunlight. It can take a longer time. I had one 3 years ago, a nasty infection on my finger (just from scratching a brick wall ), now it is finally whitening.



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Going on the sunbeds to whiten scars is such a bad idea!


First of all, it can either make a scar better or worse - it's hit or miss!


Secondly, you will be exposing yourself to harmful UVB rays which can cause skin cancer and speed up the ageing process - NOT GOOD!


The scar on my arm is from when I had a lump on my skin that the doctors thought could be cancerous. Thankfully everything turned out ok but putting yourself at risk of cancer (life threatening) for the possibility of improving the appearance of scars (cosmetic) is just plain silly!


Acne scars are generally superficial ie they only affect the extradermis layers of the skin and they WILL fade.

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I actually go to a solarium on doctor's advise to avoid/help cure eczema and the extreme dry skin I have in winter. People with psosiaris have cures in the hospitals, as I know from a friend who unfortunately has that skindisease.


I don't mean go get sunbaths all the time. You are right that this would be really unhealthy, you should always be advised by a doctor I think, about the amount that's ok for your skintype. The poster indicated that the location that is most embarrassing is on her bum, which is a place that rarely will be exposed to uv where other places, like your hands and face will be exposed every day, even when there is no sunshine. So unless you use a sunblock every single day, there is no way of escaping uv.


An overdosis of sunlight is always dangerous, especially for light skin types- but don't forget that we are supposed to catch a certain amount of uv by nature. We need it to form vitamin D in our bodies.



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thanks everyone, you've all given me really good advice,

it's just diffucult sometimes, like i look great one day with no spots and feel great, then the next day i spin round in the mirror and i get really upset.

i know there are sivere cases alot worse than mine, but it affects people in diffirent ways,

i could try fake tan, summers coming up too so i can sit outside, mind you i can't really get my bum out (ha ha)

thanks again x

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