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I keep hearing about this no contact rule after breakup and its good points and bad. My ex broke up with me 4 weeks ago and I went NC for a 10 days...then she contacted me saying she's been crying everyday missing me but kept saying we are not good long term ( why she claimed we broke up , yet the previous week she claimed no guy has ever made her feel the way I do ) she has initiated contact 4 times since ( liking my Facebook status..commenting ) and i had a funeral and sent me messages saying she was thinking of me , i mean she broke up with me.


My question is if I do this no contact will she just think I don't care ???? I feel and my friends feel there is something up , there's something she's afraid to tell me and was easier to break up or she's afraid if she tells me I'll end it with her. I want her to know I'll support her whatever it may be but I don't want to look foolish and be hurt more if it is nothing but if it a something I don't want to come across as uncaring. I miss her so much...she broke up with me and she's texting me saying she's crying and missing me..texting and liking my facebook


Might be something she is keeping from me

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Forget the speculation that your friends are filling your head with and just come right out and ask her to stop contacting you if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend and that if she'd like to get together to talk about a reconciliation then that is when you will be responding to her and only then.


Don't you think that she can't expect you to be demoted to her platonic friend and she has no business trying to use you to help her get over you. No contact is to help you get over her and if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend then that is exactly what your goal should be ~ getting over her.

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From a woman's point of view i can tell u she is intrigued by your coldness that's how u r keeping her around she thought u would run after her but u turned the table. She is messing with ur head by messaging you to ensure u r still around . You can answer her but if u want her back make sure ur answers are cold served : if she says she misses you and is crying everyday tell her oh I hope u feel better soon. That's all u sound like a nice friend someone who was even waiting for the breakup. Reality is u may get her back by this but do u want to live ur life and relationships based on some strategic games ?

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From a woman's point of view i can tell u she is intrigued by your coldness that's how u r keeping her around she thought u would run after her but u turned the table. She is messing with ur head by messaging you to ensure u r still around . You can answer her but if u want her back make sure ur answers are cold served : if she says she misses you and is crying everyday tell her oh I hope u feel better soon. That's all u sound like a nice friend someone who was even waiting for the breakup. Reality is u may get her back by this but do u want to live ur life and relationships based on some strategic games ?


Well I haven't heard anything since she liked and commented on a Facebook post a week ago....I miss her and I feel this is happening bc something happened.....the way she said she felt was too strong. I keep hearing no contact is the best way of getting her to miss me but I don't want to come across as cold and not caring....do I stay no contact and hope she contacts me....do I write her a letter. I want to fight for her...maybe she doesnt want me. I dont know what to do. I dont think shes playing games

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Hey bro

Same happened to me,i know how you feel.

Yeah, the feeling of getting dumped sucks. There is no question about that. Sometimes, you can go crazy thinking about all the things that went wrong in your relationship.


But the bottom of the line is, the reason why your relationship ended is because your girlfriend lost attraction for you. No, it wasnt because you left your dirty laundry around the house its because the foundation of her attraction for you faded, and its your fault. Though there are ways you can reattract your girlfriend (and ill get to that in a second), you have to first understand why she dumped you. Only then will you know how you can get her back.


The first Deadly Sin is a bit of a weird one, but always seeking external validity from your girlfriend is a huge attraction-breaker. What does that mean? It means that you constantly seek out your girlfriends approval. Asking questions like, Do you love me? Do think im fit enough? Is my penis big enough for you? Did you have a good time?it repels women. Its like saying to her that you arent confident enough or good enough and this reeks of insecurity.


The second Deadly Sin is being jealous all the time. Were you jealous that she was flirting with other guys? Maybe she was hanging out with a guy friend that you felt a little suspicious. Well, if you did exhibit this emotion, then again, dont be surprised that your girlfriend lost some attraction for you. Jealousy is the ultimate form of insecurity.


So now that you know only some of the relationship killers, how do you go about re-attracting your girlfriend?


Well, it starts with employing some powerful psychological techniques. Yes, even if things seem completely hopeless right now, you can get her back if you know what youre doing.


Even if you think your relationship with your ex girlfriend is completely torn, I can bet you there is a way to make her fall hopelessly in love with you again (or at least make her want to sleep with you again).


You see, what a lot of men do when they get dumped is start acting like complete wussies. they will start asking for forgiveness and start begging for second chances. If youre guilty of one of these mistakes, then you better start listening to my advice because chances are youre doing something right now that is pushing your girlfriend further and further away into the arms of another man.


But as a man i suggest you to check out the program that helped me to win my ex back and permamently improved my mindset.

This psychological techniques this video are too manipulative (in other words, they work too well),so keep your mouth shut.



You think this is true...even though the week before she was sending me love hearts..talking about our future and meeting her family. Doesn't make sense

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Than you must listen to your intuition and speak to her . Honesty will bring you further in life well at least u will know where u stand it's better than the waiting game. Do it face to face and don't be weak while u speak to her just show her that you will support her but not wait for her. If you miss her which I guess it's normal and u feel there is sth not right don't follow the NC rule just get in touch once if she doesn't want your help you have to cut it off. I wish I would have listen to these advises but at the end u can't fight fate

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She's playing a game..keeping you around for her stupid reason. Don't let her do it to you.


If she calls you again just say "Listen, you and I broke up. It was your decision and I accepted it. I'm not sure that there's any rational point to say that you miss me or that you're crying. You've decided to end our relationship and I respected it, so please let's just leave things as they are. I wish you all the best" and that's it my dawg.


She broke up, she's responsible for her decisions, it was her decision so don't let her play games with you. Leave it and don't contact. You're no longer together so let her cry and "think of you" on her own.

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How long were you together?


If she suddenly did an about-face, there might be someone else involved.


Hey MissCanuck


We were together pretty much 7 months.....I don't know...if there is or a one night stand or if there's anyone. Maybe there is signs of guilt...texting me a week after breaking up...saying she has cried everyday missing me...its a month today since she ended it and a week since she contacted me last by liking and commenting on a post. Maybe she felt guilty and was easier to break up under false pretences bc her reason she said ( maybe it's true ) but makes absolutely no sense. I'm going to keep NC and see where it goes....thanks

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