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ex bf going to be in same wedding as me


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My cousin and her bf are engaged, my ex bf and I had met at the same time and my bf was her bf friend. My ex and I ended horrible, he was really really mean to me and was why I came to this site in the first place and I ended up getting depressed and seeing a therapist for how he treated me. He was always yelling at me calling me stupid, leaving my house without telling me when I had an allergic reaction and had to go to the ER, cheating on me, kicking me out in a snowstorm, talking bad behind my back to my cousin and everyone else to name a few.


Him and my cousins bf had a falling out too but had known eachother since they were young. They ended up being at the same party and getting drunk and now hes in the wedding.


How do I deal with the event? The wedding is a Friday so I will have to take the day off and the rehearsal dinner is Thursday. Ive already considered skipping the rehearsal dinner due to work and the wedding being in another state. That's what I am more worried about because I feel like I wont have a buddy there and don't want to be in a small setting with him. The wedding I feel like I can at least avoid him.


Im really mad at my cousin too. Even when we were dating she didn't like it and got jealous and I think she enjoyed putting this in my face. I used to hang out with her every weekened until she got comfortable with her boyfriend then she completely dropped me and when everything bad was happening she just did not care, I actually think she enjoyed it and used to defend him

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Im really mad at my cousin too. Even when we were dating she didn't like it and got jealous and I think she enjoyed putting this in my face. I used to hang out with her every weekened until she got comfortable with her boyfriend then she completely dropped me and when everything bad was happening she just did not care, I actually think she enjoyed it and used to defend him


Yet still you accepted an offer to be in her wedding?

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This is where you 'suck it up, buttercup'. You fulfill your bridesmaid duties and you don't talk to him - or if you have to, just be polite. The day is about the bride and groom and not you. It is TOO CLOSE to the wedding to skip out. If you bail now, you are making the day all about you and are causing drama for your cousin AND the rest of you family. if this was 8 months before the wedding, dropping out could be considered.

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This is where you 'suck it up, buttercup'. You fulfill your bridesmaid duties and you don't talk to him - or if you have to, just be polite. The day is about the bride and groom and not you. It is TOO CLOSE to the wedding to skip out. If you bail now, you are making the day all about you and are causing drama for your cousin AND the rest of you family. if this was 8 months before the wedding, dropping out could be considered.



Okay, its not THIS Friday, then - how far out is the wedding??

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