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Okay, heres the deal, i have this real good friend who i am going to ask to prom. Im not attracted to her but love her like a sister. She is getting nervous that this other kid that she cant stand will ask her, but she is too nice to say no, So i gotta ask real soon. Everyone always comes up with some crazy creative way to ask, and i want it to be special and for her to have a killer time. ANY GREAT IDEAS OF HOW TO ASK? i could ask her straight up, but thats not that cool! she likes music (weezer & that kinda music), tennis, the simpsons, survivor, the color green, movies, ummmmmm, thats all i can think of, but if that sparks any creativity, im all ears.... or rather eyes, but w/e. Thanks a bunch

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What's the date on this prom?


Like if it's something like May 10th or something (hypothetically speaking), you could tell her:


"You know, May 10th is a pretty big day. I would hate to have it go to waste without that special someone."


Kind of cheesy, and I don't know if it'd work, but that's what I can think of as far as being creative (not asking "Wanna go to prom with me?").

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Look, no one cares if you make it creative. You sound like a moron, and it also would sound like a pick-up line to say something creative. Who cares if you can't think of something creative. Would you rather think about the "perfect" creative way to say it, or just say it before the loser thinks of something and she goes with you? Just talk to her for a minute or 2 then say you have to go and at the end say your line. Don't say something lame like "Wanna go to prom?" LOL. Think of something that takes a small amount of effort.

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Ok, well first of all easyguy's example is actually pretty good. It doesn't sound cheesy what sounds cheesy is having some freak come up to you if you were a girl, the nerd's wearing like a Star Trek Deep Space Nine T-Shirt and suspenders and a tie, now that **** would sound cheesy no matter what because the guy looks like **** lol. So don't worry about it. It doesn't mean your not cool if you don't think of something creative. Who made that crock of **** up? What's cool is actually getting a date to prom with someone ya like rather than think of something "cool" and get rejected and look like a total dumb ***. So just go with the flow, you could ask her straight up, you don't have to do the kiddie "Wanna go to prom?" type of phrase. Whatever you say will turn out good. Just tell yourself that; you'll succeed.

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so u should do something out of the ordinary...I think rose peddals all the way from her drive way and into her house then surprise her


or tell her to meet u somewhere...Like ur highschool and make her something that is noticeable saying something like...


"Will u go to prom with me"

-ur name

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Dude, what the **** is up with the way people think of asking out. Lol, yeah let's go get a plane and fly over her house with a sign on the tail saying "Will you go to prom with me?" lol. That's really lame. Seriously, it's stupid to think of something "creative", if everyone thinks of something creative being normal (asking her to prom) is out of the ordinary itself . So yeah, good luck with that, you don't have to be creative! It's just some stupid idea some guy made up because he thinks it'll increase the chances of her saying yes probably .

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tennispunk -- I think if you get creative then you may actually be giving her a sign that you are really attracted to her, and since you have stated that that is not the case, I think you don't really need to put any creativity into it!


When my friend asked me to prom, he told me on my birthday. I don't think he planned on telling me then, but it just came up through conversation. It wasn't too creative either, he just asked! And you know what? I think if he was creative or did anything on top of just simply asking I would have probably not liked it as much since we were just going as friends.


If you want it to be special for her, leave the creativity for the actual prom night. Pick her up in a nice beautiful limo, give her flowers, etc. The asking part doesn't really matter. I'm sure she'll be pleased just knowing you want to go with her!


Good luck!

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Ouch! I'm sorry to hear your prom date did that to you...sounds like she wasn't the greatest person to go with after all!


It's understandable to be upset and angry right now and I know the last thing you want to do is hear someone tell you not to worry and that it will all be alright. But if you look at it, you have a few good options ahead of you now...


1) go with a friend! I know it's cutting it down to the last minute, but if any of your friends are going alone, you can pair up and go together. If you don't have an available friend to go with, then you could...


2) go solo! This isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I had many friends (both guys and gals) that went solo and I could honestly say that they had more fun than I did with my date! Come to think of it, looking back now I would have gone by myself than with my date, but that's a whole other story!


I'm sure if you take a step back and look at it, it's better that your date did this to you now then to have made you have a miserable time at the prom. I hope that things turn out well, keep us updated!

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I don't know what I'm going to do.


I made a big improvement in my conversation skills tonight by just calling up a girl... got her mom's name out of the phone book and asking her to go out.


she couldn't believe it and told me it was f**(&*(&(* cool that I called but she had another plan but I should definitely try again.


at first I thought I freaked her out because she thought it was her ex pranking her. but yea.... i figure if i can call up a super-hot girl and have a good quick little conversation i can find a prom date.


hell if not i'll go alone



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