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meeting new people

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basilcy just a question on meeting people/flirting edicate in different places. First off say at


school: college/university you see a person you you would like to meet: just walk up to her and start talking? accidently bump into her? other? "and what if with friends?"


Bar: just walk up and say hi can i join you? wanna dance? "even thought i suck at dancing" other?


at work: ask for number? or ask out?

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The school idea is good; that's all correct. The Bar one, instead of saying "wanna dance?" like a drunk say "May I have this dance?" sounds stupid but your more likely to get a better reaction. At work, talk to the girl first for a while (like a week) get her to laugh enough (so she builds trust) use some teasing(women call it flirting). Then you can ask for her #. So yeah, your basically all set.

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Regardless of where you are just say hi, introduce yourself if you don't already know the person, talk to her or him, and focus on getting to know the person and becoming friends. If there is anything else there, you'll know and things will flow from there.

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I think in school, it's pretty easy to talk to someone new. If you see them on campus reading a book, you can say something like - "oh - that's the textbook to Soc147, right? How do you like that class?" Or, ask them to study with you sometime. Or, if they live in your dorm, just say hi, and then start having longer conversations with them over time.


At a bar.... he he he... At the beginning of the night, people are so nervous. After midnight, people are so drunk, they do tons of crazy/stupid things. Approaching anyone doesn't appear to be a problem...

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If at a bar people are so drunk, does approaching them really get anywhere? Either they won't remember in the morning or you'll have to wonder if what you said was really you or the alcohol speaking. I say just stay away bars, not a good place to meet people, especially if you are serious about asking someone out.

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Ditto to what ShySoul said - Bars really aren't the best place to meet people. The only people that I have met in bars and have had friendships or relationships with have been when I meet up with a group of friends, and they bring some other friends, and then we all get to talking and hanging out. Random people.... hmmm.... I'm thinking.... I have interesting stories , but no lasting loves or meaningful friendships.

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