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Ex Girlfriend


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I feel like I'm obsessing over this a little but new things issues just keep coming up. Anyways, my ex of 4 weeks broke up with me because of "lost feelings for me" even though she called me "the perfect guy". She wants to remain good friends and I told her that I can't talk to her for awhile so I've been in NC for 2 weeks. Today, I finally decided to unfollow her on Instagram and block her on snapchat. I took the last picture of us off of Instagram (she still had it up on hers when I deleted mine). Less that an hour after doing that, she unfollowed and deleted the picture of us. My main goal of what I did was to try to show her that I'm over her and that I'm done with her to make it feel like she's losing me rather than the other way around. But by her doing that so quickly, that means she literally checks my profile like crazy (I'll admit I did the same to her profile). So that's means she still was following what I was doing and still cares about me/my life. I just find that interesting and want to see what you guys have to say about it.

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Personally, I think you are grasping at straws here. If she wanted to be with you she would be. She would be trying to contact you, and talk to you, but until she does that, it's best to just keep her blocked. You are doing NC for the wrong reasons, thinking that she will come back to you, when instead you should be trying to move on.

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It's normal to still be 'curious' about a past flame... but she's now in the past.

You're aware of what she's done. But, doesn't mean much, with the fact that she sadly, doesn't hold those 'emotions' for you.


Follow if you wish.. but this will just keep you down re: your BU.


Do your best now to work on accepting & healing. Hopefully, in the next month you will feel a little less in the need to follow, etc and start moving away from this...


One day at a time.

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