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Cheated multiple times, Broke up, Acted crazy, Want her back


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Currently, I'm 18 years old and a senior in high school. The girl I was with is currently a junior. We started thinging around November of last year when I met her and I wasn't sure if I was ready for another relationship because I got out of a 15 month relationship just 5 months before that. We met, we talked and we started liking each other but she fell for me hard first while I was there liking her and just seeing how it's all gonna play out. She really wanted me to ask her out, but then I thought she wasn't my type to be in a relationship with so I basically just went with the "flow". Her father passed in January, and just the night before I did something so terrible to her. I cheated on her at a party, and I was drunk and of course my stupid self blamed it on that and such. But I was truly sorry and tried to make it up to her by being there for her and trying to earn her trust back. She was sad, of course but she didn't break up with me then. I did many stupid things in the relationship, I cheated on her 4-5 times and lied and kept it from her. She eventually found out from other people and it all came up one by one and she kept trying to be with me and tried to trust me through all of this. I didn't treat her like crap when we were psychically together, I didn't treat her the best that I could've too. Time pass by and I did stop the cheating because I eventually found love for her, it sucks it took me a while but in the end of June I opened up to her about everything I've done wrong and opened up to her about my life. I thought we were gonna work out then and be happy but each time we argued she would always pull up "at least I didn't cheat" which later on I got mad about but I wish I didn't. In August, third week of August she was on vacation for a week and told me that she was thinking of breaking up because she doesn't know if she could handle me anymore. But I've been truthful to her, I know it was to late since the damages have been done. During this whole time of the relationship, her close friends that she had wouldn't invite her to parties and such because of me, her friends hated me that much and I don't blame them at all because I was terrible. They didn't hang out, and she found other friends but not as close as what she had. When she came back from her vacation we saw each other right away, slept together in the same bed as we always do and I felt everything as normal. The next morning, we had sex, and everything felt normal, we laughed we flirted with each other how we always did. I got her food, and we ate together it just felt normal and felt like we were gonna be together for a while. Then, the next day she broke up with me over text. I went crazy, I spammed her asking for her back and told her I changed and cried about it and everything. I kept trying, she let me see her four days straight after we broke up to talk, but my spamming and texting her and such was for two weeks. I just stopped last week and it took a while because I know I want her back, because I know how to treat her now, which sucks that I figured it out so late. Now, she's back with her close friends, she goes to parties again with them and from snaochats and such I can see she's happy. It use to be that we would go parties together but I ruined it all when I cheated. During our relationship together, I got super lazy, I told her I would do these things but I never did, all I kept telling her was I was planning to do this and start doing it but I never did. And when we broke up, I became depressed, because she was my happiness... I always felt the need to have a girl there, I know that's bad. Also, I ended up loving her for her and want her back because I know I can be better and treat her better. I know it's a rough patch, but she stayed with me after numerous times and gave me so many chances and I ruined it all. I was terrible to her and to myself because I was lazy and weak. Idk what to do with myself.. Thank you for reading.

I know how horrible I was, I figured that all out after feeling the most sadness in my life, let alone I really love this girl.. Any advice helps, thank you

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LOL my boy. "Time past and I stopped cheating and eventually found love for her"


At 18, do you know what this means? It means she realized how much of a jerk you were to her and left you in the dust, then all the sudden you realized you "love" her and want her back AKA you want her now because you can't have her. Meanwhile when you had her, you cheated and took her for granted.


Leave the girl alone and learn from your mistakes.

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You're 18 and clearly neither mature enough or ready to be with just one person. Your girl got fed up of your antics and dumped you. That's what happens when you cheat and lie. Saying you're sorry and that you realise you made a mistake isn't good enough - you'll find that out as you get older and appreciate and respect people for who they are. What happens the next time you stray? You have your whole life ahead of you... get out there, see the world and be sure to learn from your mistakes.

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