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It's been 7 years?


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Hi all fairly new to this so thankyou for reading


Just hoping for abit of advice really on what's best... in 2008 to 2010 I was with a girl who was my first love and I was gutted when we broke up. I was young and stupid and probably what I'd call a prat now as was she.


Anyway to this day I just seem to compare girls to her? I have been in a relationship with a girl for with 3 years and had a child with since then although to this day even though it's been nearly 7 years I still seem to think of her almost daily!


Is this somthing because she was my first ever love or somthing that's just not normal? We still see each other from time to time but we haven't talked in years.

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It is sad that you are in a relationship 3 yrs, with a child and all and can't be 100% there for her and your child. Do you love her?


Everyone remembers their old flame from time to time, but obsessing about it while in a relationship is troublesome.


Go to therapy and sort out why you do this, so that you can keep your mind on being a committed partner and father in your present relationship.

I have been in a relationship with a girl for with 3 years and had a child with since then although to this day even though it's been nearly 7 years I still seem to think of her almost daily!
same girl?
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I think you've managed to stagnate yourself in "Limerence" google it and read the wiki link and then if you can't come to terms with the fact that this girl didn't want you in her life and that that is good reason to get past her renting space in your brain for free then yes, do get yourself into therapy so that you can talk her right out of your head. You have a child with a woman you live in the present with. Time to put the ghost of chicky past to rest for good.

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