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struggling with these feelings

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having a hard time sitting with these feelings..I wish i could escape my body sometimes.


my ex dumped me about 3 weeks ago. it was a long time coming i guess..but i didnt want to break up. and it seemed like the more i held on the more she let go ( always how it goes ) shes so beautiful and smart and i miss her so much. i miss the sex i miss the doing nothing in bed together intimacy..will i ever feel this way again? Im so tired of living. too painful. I wont kill myself but...


i wake up with these feelings everyday..i do everything you are supposed to do..therapy..meeting new people..gym..all of the things that heal and reconnect you with yourself... but i still wake up every morning with these feelings. lost and alone. feeling like a bad person who will never be able to sustain love. feeling like a part of me wishes that somthing happpens so that i get killed. I wish I could rewind and do it all differently.. i would have changed so many things.


I know its only 3 weeks so i will try to endure longer but its so hard.i miss her

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Time will heal you. I promise. I know how you feel. Exactly how you feel actually. And i can say it gets better. My ex girlfriend dumped me exactly 3 weeks ago. We were together for 14 months. I feel the same way about her as you do your ex. But i can say you're not alone. Look at my posts, itll prove it. The feelings will go away. One day youll just snap and decide it all okay. The best thing for you, or at least for me is to go no contact. Delete the her number, yes thats hard but youve gotta do it, gather all of your mementos and seal them away, immerse yourself in work, let it be your escape and lastly think of anything else besides her. Its not best to dwell on what you could've changed. Its over now. Itll get better.

(you can pm me if you need to)

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How old are you? I messed up when I was younger specially with some of my relationships. Where I wished I did some things different. Mostly not saying how I felt. Now later in life I made a decision a long time ago to tell people exactly how I feel. Will everything be better? No will you still have regrets, On how things went down? Yep but there greatly reduced. You can't change what has happened only what will. You learned from it so don't repeated it. Times are hard now but remember you had good times. You will have those again. I fly a lot there's been times I sit there and just wish that the damn thing would crash. It's a stupid fantasy I know the math. It's like wishing I win lotto haha

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Yes, it will pass. 3 weeks is still a short amount of time. When my ex dumped me I was completely miserable for the first 2 weeks. Trust me, you are doing fine for 3 weeks, going to the gym and therapy. I would take a bunch of pills to feel sleepy and just work and sleep the rest of the day... yeah, that was my life for the first 2 weeks. BUT, it's been 4 months, and here I am. I'm happy, living. But, as any meaningful relationship, it still hurts from time to time, but I am for from feeling miserable and how you describre: too painful, lost and alone. What I'm trying to say, I hit rock bottom when he dumped me, never had I been so miserable in my life and I got up and put the pieces back together.

Only time will heal, unfortunately you will have to endure through this mourning period, but it will soon pass and you'll find self-love and feel ready to love again. Hope you feel better.

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