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zits/pimples in an unexpected place

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Umm..well, that stuff is strong and burns your face...it might make your eyes water to put it on your penis...it's prolly from sweating and whatnot. I wouldn't worry about it too much until it gets to be unbearable, then you may want to visit your doctor. are they little and in patches or are they big & filled with puss like a regular zit?

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Deffinetley DO NOT use the stuff you use on your face. You'll end up getting a severe irritation and possibly burning. Also it might agrivate the pimples and make them worse. Trust me you'd be giving yourself more agony than relief. Talk to your doctor and possibly a dermatologist for something you can use.

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Yep, it's probably just a fungus from sweat. There are medications to make you feel better. But you definitely don't want to let it go untreated.


I agree; go to the doc and get something for this so it doesn't interrupt your sports endeavors.



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If it's from sweat ... I still wouldn't think it would cause you to get pimples/zits on your penis. I play baseball and workout everyday and sweat constantly but I've never heard of anything like you are talking about. Do you clean yourself after practice ... and I mean clean! If I were you I'd go to the doctor and find out something before it could turn into anything worse ... not saying it will, you just never know, it's better to be safe than sorry.


- Josh07

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Most people don't get pimples on their "parts". Not that it's unheard of; people with serious acne do get pimples absolutely everywhere. But if you don't have acne, and you just started getting "pimples" on your dank, you may want to go to the doc to make sure you haven't got Herpes, as the herpes virus type 2 causes pimple like sores on the genitalia.

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Based on what snOman said, if you have been active in anything that could have exposed you to this virus, then you have something to go on. If you actually don't know how even you could have gotten these, then at least the doctor will help you figure it out. But you should get to doctor, like,ASAP.


Take good care of yourself.



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I know it's a personal thing, but since we don't actually know who you are if you want to follow up to let us know what the heck that was, maybe we'd all learn something. I'm in the medical field, but not an RN or Doc or like that. So, these things don't embarrass me at all. I take them quite clinically, if that makes sense. All for info.





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