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My partner and best friend !:(


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Hello ,I'm lost and didn't no what else to do or who to talk to.

I have been in a civil partnership with my partner for 7 years we have had our ups and downs and broke up quite a lot recently I learnt that she was cheating on me via message she told me it was a mistake and begged me not to leave she self harmed because she thought I was going to leave , after that things got worse I couldn't trust her at all , we decided to set her best friend and my best friend up together as they were both single they both seemed to like eachother but I was still worrying about my relationship and my partner was starting to get paranoid about me and other women (I hadn't done anything wrong) I explained but she wouldn't listen she kept telling me I was lying to her she started picking arguments with me so I left some of the stuff she was saying to me I wouldn't say to my worst enemy , anyway a month and a half after she cheated on me and a week and a half after we split she is now in a relationship with my "friend" how can someone be so cold she's always admitted her head was A mess according to her it doesn't help that her uncle died suddenly 2-3 months ago but surely to be like this is to far we have had very little contact since we split,

Any advice would be appreciated

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I'm sorry she treated you that way. She does sound like a mess, and completely toxic as limichelle said. I know it hurts right now, but you really don't need that kind of drama in your life and will be better off without her. Anyone who self-harms so that you won't leave them is someone you SHOULD leave as fast as possible. Perhaps this is insensitive of me to say, but I see it as manipulative behavior, similar to when someone threatens suicide so that someone won't leave. I'm not talking about self-harming in general, I'm talking about her doing it to make you stay. Then she cheated. Then she moved on quickly with your friend. None of this was your fault, and you deserve better.

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