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Personally I think it all depends on the people involved...just like I think there are some people who should do no contact, and others who really don't need to (maybe just limited contact).


If you are on good terms, both mature and not being needy, desperate or using it as a way to get them back, I think it is fine to contact them in the situatons YOU feel are appropriate.


In my own case, I felt friendship was very important, and that still meant keeping in contact for such events, and in general keeping it on good terms.


Your expereince of course may vary

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I think it all depends on the circumstances for the NC, such as anger, emotions, jealousy, etc... And, if you are wanting to get back with the EX, then forgetting a BDay may not go over so well. It might actually put you in good graces, etc...


But it all depends. My EX's father passed away not too long ago, and she called me to tell me. I was very thankful for this. I then called her mom, and it meant alot to both of them. Now, I did not go to the funeral, etc... (I dont even know if I was invited!?!?! LOL)



So sometimes I feel NC should/could be "suspended," but keep in mind by doing this you may be at square one all over again....

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It depends on your goal. If your goal is to get your ex back, then contact MUST be made at some point, unless you can somehow send a telepathic signal to them. NC should remain in effect until you're not as emotional about your ex and can see them without their presense significantly affecting you. You can psycholgically prepare yourself if you were to meet up with your ex, so that you don't show much emotion too.

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A good question...


I'm going to the 3 month of NC myself and i don't see signs of me breaking it. The question is, am i doing the right thing?... I know that i'm still emotionally attach to her (somehow i blame my birth sign and probably doing so would be hard on me.

Now a thing that i think it's the most correct is that, she broke up with me, she told me she didn't want to talk to me, it's only right that she brakes NC and not me. Am i right?

And another thing as a post i saw here somewhere, is that if it's NC is NC... NC is for you to get emotionally detach of the other person, and all the drills around it. Yeah i understand that. But why then i feel so bad about this? I think alot about her (more than i ever wanted) and it feels like it never fades away... Guess i need more time huh?


Ah nevermind, im gonna continue NC

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